Herbs Grinded

Algae (Clubweed) - Ascophyllum nodosum
Ascophyllum nodosum, better known as clubweed, is a type of brown algae characterized by the presence of small blisters with slimy contents on the stems, in which the reproductive organs are located. These stems also contain large, gas-filled tubercles that help the plant stand upright under water. Knotweed varies in color from olive green to golden brown. The thallus can reach a length of 30 to 60 cm and is flexible, so that it can sway with the powerful movements of the water.
From: €1.95
Aniseed - Anisi Vulgaris (Pimpinella anisum)
Anise seed has a naturally sweet, warm taste reminiscent of licorice. It is a versatile seasoning that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. All over the world, anise seed is used in confectionery, and it is also often added to liqueurs, such as Ouzo.
You can add anise seeds to bread, pastries, cookies, fruit and gingerbread. In Indian cuisine, anise is indispensable in curries and fish dishes, and it gives a delicious flavor to vegetables such as pumpkin and carrot. In the Netherlands it is a tradition to use anise seed on rusk with mice at birth.
Anise seed tea can help with a feeling of heaviness after meals, because it has a soothing and relaxing effect.
From: €2.00
Aronia berry - Arnoia melanocarpa
Aronia berries, also called black chokeberries (Aronia melanocarpa), grow on compact bushes of about 1 to 3 meters high. The berries have a deep purple to black color.
Aronia berries are particularly rich in anthocyanins, the flavonoids that give the berries their characteristic color. Flavonoids are plant substances that protect the plant against ultraviolet light, oxidation and heat. Compared to blueberries, aronia berries contain four times more anthocyanins.
The black fruits contain different types of anthocyanins. The natural function of these anthocyanins and other polyphenols is to protect the seed of the aronia berry against harmful external influences. Anthocyanins act as natural antioxidants.
From: €2.40
Artichoke - Cynaria scolmycus
The artichoke (Cynara scolymus) is a plant that originates from the Mediterranean region. People eat the closed green or purple flower buds as vegetables. The artichoke leaf has a slightly bitter taste. This plant has been consumed for centuries for the support it provides to digestion and the cleansing effect of the liver, thanks to its high concentration of antioxidants.
The artichoke is rich in various nutrients and phytonutrients. It contains beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. It also contains flavonoids, enzymes and tannins.
From: €2.95
Ashwagandha - Withania somnifera
In Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha is known as a 'rasayana', meaning it is used to support both physical and mental health. It has a calming effect and is used to sleep better and promote a balanced mind. In India, where this herb originates, it is believed to support male potency and female health, often compared to the strength and vitality of a horse.
From: €4.40
Barley grass - Hordeum vulgare
Barley grass (Hordeum vulgare) is obtained by allowing barley to fully germinate and then cutting off the green shoots when they reach a height of 20 to 30 cm. This grass is known for its high nutrient density. It is packed with bioflavonoids, beta-carotene and a wide range of vitamins, including A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, E and K. In addition, barley grass contains minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and zinc. Barley grass powder is also a rich source of chlorophyll and contains all essential amino acids.
From: €2.25
Basil - Basilici
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a plant from the Lamiaceae family. The name basil is derived from the Ancient Greek word 'basileus', meaning king, which is also reflected in the alternative name king herb. Basil originally grows in the regions between Central Africa and Southeast Asia.
In some pharmacopoeias and traditional medicine, basil is recommended for the treatment of arthritis, bronchitis, colds, fever, influenza, stomach ulcers, rheumatism, earache, epilepsy, heart disease, malaria, sinusitis, snakebites, abdominal pain and vomiting.
Scientific research has shown that basil has antioxidant, antiviral and antimicrobial properties.
From: €1.95
Bearberry - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
The bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) is a plant from the heather family (Ericaceae). The Dutch name "bearberry" refers to the assumption that bears would be fond of the fruits of this plant.
The scientific name Arctostaphylos uva-ursi is a tautological mixture of Greek and Latin. The Greek 'arktos' and the Latin 'ursus' both mean "bear", while 'staphyle' and 'uva' both mean "grape".
This plant is known for its supportive effect on the urinary tract. As early as the thirteenth century, bearberry was mentioned in herbal books and praised for its beneficial effects on the bladder.
From: €2.20
Berk - Betula pendula Roth, Betulae (Leaf Grounded)
Birch (Betula) has been valued for centuries for its beneficial properties, thanks to the presence of bioactive substances. In the past it was even considered a sacred tree. In the spring, just before the tree sprouts, birch sap is tapped because that is when the sap flow is strongest. This juice is full of phytonutrients, minerals and vitamins. The young leaves are then collected, because they also contain a high content of various beneficial substances during this period.
Birch leaf is rich in flavonoids, saponins and tannins. The saponins and tannins are responsible for the diuretic properties of the birch. 
From: €2.10
Bitterhout - Quassiae
Quassia, known in Surinamese as kwasibita, is the heartwood of the Quassia amara, a plant species from the Quassia genus within the Tree of Heaven family. This South American plant is often planted in the tropics for its use as a remedy for malaria.
Quassia amara is a small, evergreen shrub found in tropical South America, particularly the Guianas, northern Brazil and Venezuela. The plant grows in the understory of the rainforest and its striking red flowers are pollinated by hummingbirds. Because of these beautiful flowers, the plant is also often planted for decorative purposes.
From: €2.40
Black Pepper - Piper nigrum
Pepper is a commonly used spice in cooking, known for its sharp taste. It is obtained from the berries of the tropical pepper plant, Piper nigrum. The pungency of black peppercorns comes from the component piperine. Pepper comes in different colors, including black, white and green.
It can be used in virtually any dish and enhances the flavor of meat while adding a spicy note to soups and purees. Sometimes pepper is also used in baking products, such as gingerbread, albeit in moderate amounts. Whole peppercorns, dried berries of the pepper plant, are used in some dishes. Although pepper is also available ground, many gourmets prefer freshly ground pepper. In addition, pepper is also often used fresh. In India, pepper is added to the spiciest curry mixtures.
From: €1.95
Cat's Claw - Uncaria tomentosa
Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa) is a climbing plant that is native to the Amazon region of Brazil and Peru. It is highly valued in the Peruvian Amazon and is among the protected species. This plant is often called the 'sacred herb of the rainforest' because of its significance. The name 'cat's claw' or 'cat's claw' is derived from the small claw-like thorns at the base of the leaves, which resemble a cat's claws. These claws help the vine to wrap itself around trees and climb up to a hundred meters high!
From: €2.60
Chamomile - Matricaria recutita, Chamomillae europ.
True chamomile, also known as Matricaria chamomilla or Matricaria recutita, is native throughout Europe and widely cultivated in countries such as Hungary and Eastern Europe. The ancient Egyptians revered chamomile as the flower of the sun god Ra. The herb is known for its supportive effect on the immune system, soothing effect on the respiratory tract and promoting digestion. Additionally, chamomile is often used as a natural sedative and to promote restful sleep.
From: €3.00
Chicory (Root) - Cichorium Intybus
Chicory (Cichorium) belongs to the composite family (Compositae or Asteraceae) and includes well-known vegetables such as chicory and endive. It is mainly consumed for health reasons.
Since the late years of the twentieth century, chicory roots have been cultivated not only for chicory, but also for the production of inulin and sweeteners, especially fructose. Both inulin (a dietary fiber) and fructose are widely used in the food industry.
Roasted chicory root is used as a coffee substitute or as an ingredient in coffee brewing. In the past, this was done out of necessity, such as during the Napoleonic blockade during the French occupation.
From: €1.95
Chlorella - Chlorella
Chlorella, a single-celled green algae belonging to the green algae family, thrives in lakes and rivers of Southeast Asia. This microscopic organism is a veritable treasure trove of nutrients, including proteins, vitamins, trace elements and omega-3 fatty acids.
Its versatility is reflected in supporting the immune system and promoting liver detoxification. Chlorella also contributes to healthy digestion and supports normal intestinal function. The name 'chlorella' has its origins in the Greek words 'chloros' and 'ella', which mean 'green' and 'small' respectively.
From: €4.60
Cinnamon - Cinnamomi ceylon
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum) has been known for centuries for its many uses. It is extracted from the bark of the Cinnamomum cassia tree, where part of the bark is carefully cut loose and the rough outer surface is removed with a knife. The well-known cinnamon sticks or cinnamon powder are made from the inside of the bark. Cinnamon has been valued for centuries, both in culinary and herbalist circles.
This herb has been used in Asian cultures for centuries for its versatile uses. The wonderful aroma of cinnamon is determined by volatile oils, of which cinnamaldehyde is the most common. In addition, cinnamon also contains substances such as eugenol, coumarins, tannins, OPCs and terpenes. 
From: €2.95
Clove - Syzygium aromaticum
Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) is the dried, fragrant flower bud of the clove tree. The main active ingredient is eugenol, which also promotes the antioxidant properties of cloves. Clove is known for its antioxidant effect and supports healthy digestion. In addition, it improves blood circulation and soothes the throat.
From: €2.50
Coriander - Coriandrum sativum
Coriander seeds have been used for thousands of years to support digestion and intestinal health, and this tradition continues to this day. People who want to strengthen their immune system prefer coriander seeds. In addition, coriander seed has a beneficial effect on the heart and nervous system.
Coriander is an herb rich in valuable substances. Both the leaves and seeds contain vitamins A, C, K and folic acid, as well as minerals such as iron, manganese, potassium, magnesium and calcium. The seeds are especially rich in essential oils such as linalool, camphor, gamma terpinene and geranyl acetate. The seeds are the main source of nutrients.
From: €1.95
Damiana - Damianae mex. (Turnera diffusa) - Grounded
Damiana (Turnera diffusa) is a shrub native to southern Texas in the United States, as well as Central America, Mexico, South America and the Caribbean. It belongs to the Passifloraceae family and has been used by the Mayan Indians for centuries for its known effects on libido. Both men and women benefit from the libido-supporting properties of damiana, which is also known for its stress-reducing effect.
In Mexico, women often prepare tea from the fragrant leaves of the damiana shrub or smoke them to stimulate their feelings of pleasure. Damiana leaf contains several active substances, including beta-sitosterol, arbutin and alkaloids.
From: €2.40
Dandelion (Herb & Root) - Taraxum officinale
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) has been known for centuries for its ability to support liver and gallbladder function. Both the root and the above-ground parts of the plant are rich in nutrients. In addition, dandelion has a beneficial effect on digestion.
The rich nutritional value of dandelions makes it advisable to regularly pick some fresh leaves in the wild and add them to salads. They are especially tasty in the spring. The fresh yellow flowers can be used as a cheerful decoration in salads and dried they can be processed into a 'wild' herbal tea.
Dandelions contain a high level of bitter substances, which always indicates that they are beneficial for liver and gallbladder function.
From: €2.40
Echinacea (Coneflower) - Echinaceae purp.
Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) is one of the most widely grown and used herbs in the world because of its positive influence on the immune system. The genus name 'echinacea' is derived from the Greek word 'echinos', meaning 'hedgehog', because of the spiky flower cone. Since the beginning of the last century, much research has been done into Echinacea purpurea in Europe.
This plant has a rich history and originally comes from North America. Indigenous tribes used this perennial plant for its beneficial effects on the immune system. Colonist doctor H.C.F. Meyer adopted this knowledge from the indigenous population and brought the first product based on echinacea onto the market in 1871.
From: €4.00
Eleutherococcus (Siberian Ginseng) - Eleutherococcus
Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) has had a good reputation in both China and Russia for centuries as a supporter of the immune system. Siberian ginseng root extract is beneficial for memory and concentration.
The carrots are a rich source of beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, C and E, and they are high in eleutherosides. It is important not to confuse Siberian ginseng with its Korean variant (Panax ginseng) or the American one (Panax quinquefolius). Not only do the names differ, but also the properties.
From: €2.60
Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare - Grounded
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a plant belonging to the lacecap family (Apiaceae). It has a distinctive flavor reminiscent of anise, and both the threadlike branches of the leaves and the seeds are used as a herb and spice.
Originally from Asia and the Mediterranean, fennel was brought to Europe via medieval trade routes. Fennel is widely grown, especially in Southern Europe, and is an important ingredient in salads and other dishes.
Chewing fennel seeds can suppress the feeling of hunger. In the past, believers who went to church sober sometimes chewed fennel seeds during the church service.
From: €1.95
Fenugreek - Foenugraeci graecum
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), also known as fenugreek, boxhorn trefoil or Greek hay, is known for its various health benefits. It can help stimulate appetite, support the immune system and promote fat metabolism.
This versatile plant is mainly used as a spice in Indian cuisine. The aromatic leaves of fenugreek are also used to mask the bitter taste of medicines. Originally from the Mediterranean region, fenugreek later gained popularity in Asia.
Fenugreek is rich in essential minerals such as iron and copper. In addition, it contains saponins and coumarins, where coumarins are known for their pleasant hay-like scent.
From: €1.95