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A-C-D3 & Zinc
Vitamin A plays a crucial role in various biochemical and physiological processes in cells. It binds to retinoid receptors, which activate or deactivate genes involved in cell specialization.
Ascorbic acid is the pure form of vitamin C. People generally tolerate buffered forms of ascorbic acid better due to the lack of gastrointestinal complaints. Vitamin C is essential for the body.
Although our skin can produce vitamin D, this is often insufficient. Vitamin D supplementation is therefore often necessary, because this vitamin plays a role in various body processes.
Zinc is available in various forms, with zinc bisglycinate having excellent bioavailability.
Artichoke - Cynaria scolmycus - Cut
The artichoke (Cynara scolymus) is a plant that originates from the Mediterranean region. People eat the closed green or purple flower buds as vegetables. The artichoke leaf has a slightly bitter taste. This plant has been consumed for centuries for the support it provides to digestion and the cleansing effect of the liver, thanks to its high concentration of antioxidants.
The artichoke is rich in various nutrients and phytonutrients. It contains beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. It also contains flavonoids, enzymes and tannins.
From: €1.95
Artichoke Tincture - Cynaria scolmycus Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried leaf of Cynaria scolmycus (Artichoke).
The artichoke (Cynara scolymus) is a plant that originates from the Mediterranean region. People eat the closed green or purple flower buds as vegetables. The artichoke leaf has a slightly bitter taste. This plant has been consumed for centuries for the support it provides to digestion and the cleansing effect of the liver, thanks to its high concentration of antioxidants.
The artichoke is rich in various nutrients and phytonutrients. It contains beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. It also contains flavonoids, enzymes and tannins.
Berberine Extract - 500 mg
Berberine is a substance found in several plants, including Berberis aristata, a shrub belonging to the Berberidaceae family. This plant is also known as Indian barberry, chutro or tree turmeric. The fruits, stem and root of Berberis aristata are used in Ayurveda.
Our berberine extract is obtained specifically from the root of this plant. The root bark contains the bitter alkaloid berberine, a substance that has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese herbalism for its various health benefits. Berberine is the active substance to which these properties are attributed.
Berk - Betula pendula Roth, Betulae (Leaf Grounded)
Birch (Betula) has been valued for centuries for its beneficial properties, thanks to the presence of bioactive substances. In the past it was even considered a sacred tree. In the spring, just before the tree sprouts, birch sap is tapped because that is when the sap flow is strongest. This juice is full of phytonutrients, minerals and vitamins. The young leaves are then collected, because they also contain a high content of various beneficial substances during this period.
Birch leaf is rich in flavonoids, saponins and tannins. The saponins and tannins are responsible for the diuretic properties of the birch. 
From: €2.10
Birch - Butla alba, Betulae (Bark Cut)
Birch (Betula) has been valued for centuries for its beneficial properties, thanks to the presence of bioactive substances. In the past it was even considered a sacred tree. In the spring, just before the tree sprouts, birch sap is tapped because that is when the sap flow is strongest. This juice is full of phytonutrients, minerals and vitamins.
Birch is rich in flavonoids, saponins and tannins. The saponins and tannins are responsible for the diuretic properties of the birch. Birch supports, among other things, kidney function and a healthy urinary tract, and is beneficial for the liver. In addition, it promotes joint health and contributes to maintaining normal cholesterol levels.
From: €1.95
Bladderwrack Fine - Fucus vesiculosus
Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) is a type of brown algae belonging to the genus Fucus. It thrives along the northern coasts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and in the North Sea and Baltic Sea, often found in kelp forests. This seaweed is characterized by air bladders that serve as a floating organ, although there are also variants without these bladders.
Like other brown algae, bladderwrack is rich in a specific class of polyphenols called phlorotannins, which possess powerful antioxidant properties. In addition, these phlorotannins have antibiotic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.
From: €1.95
Boldo Tincture - Peumus boldus Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried leaf of Peumus boldus (Boldo).
Boldo (Peumus Boldus) is a versatile plant with a long history of positive effects on the liver, bile and digestion. It contains a combination of alkaloids, essential oils, flavonoids and tannins, which together provide these beneficial properties. By supporting the liver and bile and promoting healthy digestion, boldo is a valuable addition to a healthy lifestyle. In addition, boldo strengthens the immune system and acts as a powerful antioxidant.
Cat's whiskers - Koemis Koetjing - 300 mg
Cat's whisker (Orthosiphon aristatus), also known as Kumis Kutjing, has played an important role in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries due to its beneficial properties in treating urinary tract infections.
This plant belongs to the Lamiaceae family and thrives mainly in tropical and subtropical regions, preferring locations such as wetlands, along rivers and swamps, especially in Southeast Asia, especially Malaysia and Java. The name "cat's whisker" is derived from the white or lilac flowers with striking, thread-like stamens, sometimes up to 3 cm long.
Cat's whiskers Tincture - Orthosiphon aristatus Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried herb of Orthosiphon aristatus (Cat's whiskers).
Cat's whisker (Orthosiphon aristatus), also known as Kumis Kutjing, has played an important role in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries due to its beneficial properties in treating urinary tract infections.
This plant belongs to the Lamiaceae family and thrives mainly in tropical and subtropical regions, preferring locations such as wetlands, along rivers and swamps, especially in Southeast Asia, especially Malaysia and Java. The name "cat's whisker" is derived from the white or lilac flowers with striking, thread-like stamens, sometimes up to 3 cm long.
Chlorella - Chlorella
Chlorella, a single-celled green algae belonging to the green algae family, thrives in lakes and rivers of Southeast Asia. This microscopic organism is a veritable treasure trove of nutrients, including proteins, vitamins, trace elements and omega-3 fatty acids.
Its versatility is reflected in supporting the immune system and promoting liver detoxification. Chlorella also contributes to healthy digestion and supports normal intestinal function. The name 'chlorella' has its origins in the Greek words 'chloros' and 'ella', which mean 'green' and 'small' respectively.
From: €4.60
Chlorella 200 mg & Spirulina 200 mg
Discover the power of the combination of chlorella and spirulina. They are packed with essential nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals, and are known for their detoxifying properties and supporting overall health. Together, these super algae form a powerful synergistic blend that supports vitality, the immune system, the body and mind for optimal health and well-being. Feel the power of the natural resources in every capsule.
Dandelion (Herb & Root) - Taraxum officinale
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) has been known for centuries for its ability to support liver and gallbladder function. Both the root and the above-ground parts of the plant are rich in nutrients. In addition, dandelion has a beneficial effect on digestion.
The rich nutritional value of dandelions makes it advisable to regularly pick some fresh leaves in the wild and add them to salads. They are especially tasty in the spring. The fresh yellow flowers can be used as a cheerful decoration in salads and dried they can be processed into a 'wild' herbal tea.
Dandelions contain a high level of bitter substances, which always indicates that they are beneficial for liver and gallbladder function.
From: €2.40
Dandelion (Herb) - Taraxum officinale - Cut
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) has been known for centuries for its ability to support liver and gallbladder function. Both the root and the above-ground parts of the plant are rich in nutrients. In addition, dandelion has a beneficial effect on digestion.
The rich nutritional value of dandelions makes it advisable to regularly pick some fresh leaves in the wild and add them to salads. They are especially tasty in the spring. The fresh yellow flowers can be used as a cheerful decoration in salads and dried they can be processed into a 'wild' herbal tea.
Dandelions contain a high level of bitter substances, which always indicates that they are beneficial for liver and gallbladder function.
From: €2.20
Dandelion (Root) - Taraxum officinale
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) has been known for centuries for its ability to support liver and gallbladder function. Both the root and the above-ground parts of the plant are rich in nutrients. In addition, dandelion has a beneficial effect on digestion.
The rich nutritional value of dandelions makes it advisable to regularly pick some fresh leaves in the wild and add them to salads. They are especially tasty in the spring. The fresh yellow flowers can be used as a cheerful decoration in salads and dried they can be processed into a 'wild' herbal tea.
Dandelions contain a high level of bitter substances, which always indicates that they are beneficial for liver and gallbladder function.
From: €2.20
Dandelion - 350 mg
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) has been known for centuries for its ability to support liver and gallbladder function. Both the root and the above-ground parts of the plant are rich in nutrients. In addition, dandelion has a beneficial effect on digestion.
The rich nutritional value of dandelions makes it advisable to regularly pick some fresh leaves in the wild and add them to salads. They are especially tasty in the spring. The fresh yellow flowers can be used as a cheerful decoration in salads and dried they can be processed into a 'wild' herbal tea.
Dandelions contain a high level of bitter substances, which always indicates that they are beneficial for liver and gallbladder function.
Dandelion Tincture - Taraxum officinale Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried herb & root of Taraxum officinale (Dandelion).
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) has been known for centuries for its ability to support liver and gallbladder function. Both the root and the above-ground parts of the plant are rich in nutrients. In addition, dandelion has a beneficial effect on digestion.
The rich nutritional value of dandelions makes it advisable to regularly pick some fresh leaves in the wild and add them to salads. They are especially tasty in the spring. The fresh yellow flowers can be used as a cheerful decoration in salads and dried they can be processed into a 'wild' herbal tea.
Flowers Herbal Tea
Herbal tea composed of various herbs
Nice for a floral moment
Ginseng (Panax) - 450 mg
Panax Ginseng is a plant with a slow-growing, sturdy root. Panax Ginseng is considered one of the most important medicinal herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. In fact, it is even the world's most famous herb. Panax ginseng has been used for more than 5,000 years to optimize human health and well-being in Asia. In the world of Chinese ethnopharmacology, it has been used for more than 3,000 years.
Panax takes its name from the Greek word “panacea”, which means “all-healer”. Gingsen is currently the world's most popular and most powerful adaptogenic herb. Adaptogenic herbs help the body to deal with stress in a natural way and achieve a homeostatic balance between body and mind. 
Golden Root (Rhodiola) - 350 mg
Rose root (Rhodiola rosea) also known as the 'golden root', is a succulent plant that thrives in cold, rocky areas around the world. The roots emit a characteristic scent of roses. This herb has long been used in herbal medicine.
It contains protective antioxidants that help our body cells. Rose root supports both physical and mental balance in our body. It helps keep the mind clear, improves mood and promotes concentration. Some of the bioactive compounds in rose root include rosavine and salidroside, which are thought to be responsible for Rhodiola rosea's calming and uplifting effects.
Hibiscus - Hibiscus sabdariff
The Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) is traditionally used in hot and cold drinks, as a flavoring and coloring agent in the food industry, and as a herbal remedy for its ability to reduce fatigue and promote cardiovascular health.
Hibiscus sabdariffa L. is an annual shrub that can grow more than two meters high. The shrub usually has smooth, red stems and cream or pale yellow flowers that turn pink when they wilt at the end of the day. At that time, a characteristic red calyx grows, which is fleshy, crispy and juicy. This calyx turns brown and bursts open when it is dry and grown. The calyx, stems and leaves have a sour taste reminiscent of cranberries.
From: €1.95