
A-C-D3 & Zinc
Vitamin A plays a crucial role in various biochemical and physiological processes in cells. It binds to retinoid receptors, which activate or deactivate genes involved in cell specialization.
Ascorbic acid is the pure form of vitamin C. People generally tolerate buffered forms of ascorbic acid better due to the lack of gastrointestinal complaints. Vitamin C is essential for the body.
Although our skin can produce vitamin D, this is often insufficient. Vitamin D supplementation is therefore often necessary, because this vitamin plays a role in various body processes.
Zinc is available in various forms, with zinc bisglycinate having excellent bioavailability.
Angelica - Angelica angelicae
The angelica (Angelica archangelica), also known as archangelica, belongs to the umbellifer family (Apiaceae). This plant thrives in moist, very nutrient-rich soil along water edges, such as the IJsselmeer, river banks and in osier banks. In addition, the angelica is also grown in gardens.
Historically, angelica is known for its medicinal properties. The plant is still grown locally from central Germany to Turkestan. A sweet-smelling oil known as angelica oil is extracted from the seeds and roots, which is used in the cosmetic industry, liquor distilleries and bakeries. In addition, the stems and petioles are often candied because of their sweet and fragrant taste.
From: €2.20
Aniseed - Anisi Vulgaris (Pimpinella anisum)
Anise seed has a naturally sweet, warm taste reminiscent of licorice. It is a versatile seasoning that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. All over the world, anise seed is used in confectionery, and it is also often added to liqueurs, such as Ouzo.
You can add anise seeds to bread, pastries, cookies, fruit and gingerbread. In Indian cuisine, anise is indispensable in curries and fish dishes, and it gives a delicious flavor to vegetables such as pumpkin and carrot. In the Netherlands it is a tradition to use anise seed on rusk with mice at birth.
Anise seed tea can help with a feeling of heaviness after meals, because it has a soothing and relaxing effect.
From: €2.00
Ashwagandha (Winter Cherry) Tincture - Withania somnifera Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried root of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha/Winter Cherry).
In Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha is known as a 'rasayana', meaning it is used to support both physical and mental health. It has a calming effect and is used to sleep better and promote a balanced mind. In India, where this herb originates, it is believed to support male potency and female health, often compared to the strength and vitality of a horse.
Ashwagandha - Withania somnifera
In Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha is known as a 'rasayana', meaning it is used to support both physical and mental health. It has a calming effect and is used to sleep better and promote a balanced mind. In India, where this herb originates, it is believed to support male potency and female health, often compared to the strength and vitality of a horse.
From: €4.40
Ashwagandha - Withania somnifera - Cut
In Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha is known as a 'rasayana', meaning it is used to support both physical and mental health. It has a calming effect and is used to sleep better and promote a balanced mind. In India, where this herb originates, it is believed to support male potency and female health, often compared to the strength and vitality of a horse.
From: €3.00
Astragalus - Astragalus chinensis membranus - Cut
Astragalus, also known as Fleshy Locust (Astragalus membranaceus), is a plant native to Asia. It has been used for 2000 years in traditional Chinese herbal medicine to strengthen the immune system. In addition to this property, astragalus has many other benefits. According to Chinese tradition, it strengthens the life force, or 'qi', as it is called in China, when ingested. It is known as a powerful antioxidant and is especially valued for its ability to support the immune system.
From: €2.20
Astragalus Tincture - Astragalus membranaceus Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried root of Astragalus membranaceus (Astragalus).
Astragalus, also known as Fleshy Locust (Astragalus membranaceus), is a plant native to Asia. It has been used for 2000 years in traditional Chinese herbal medicine to strengthen the immune system. In addition to this property, astragalus has many other benefits. According to Chinese tradition, it strengthens the life force, or 'qi', as it is called in China, when ingested. It is known as a powerful antioxidant and is especially valued for its ability to support the immune system.
Barley grass - Hordeum vulgare
Barley grass (Hordeum vulgare) is obtained by allowing barley to fully germinate and then cutting off the green shoots when they reach a height of 20 to 30 cm. This grass is known for its high nutrient density. It is packed with bioflavonoids, beta-carotene and a wide range of vitamins, including A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, E and K. In addition, barley grass contains minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and zinc. Barley grass powder is also a rich source of chlorophyll and contains all essential amino acids.
From: €2.25
Black Cohosh - Cimicifuga Racemosa
Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa), has been used in North American herbal medicine for centuries. The roots of this plant have been used for centuries by northern Indian tribes, where it is known as "squawroot" (where 'squaw' refers to 'Indian woman'). Black cohosh is best known as an herb specifically aimed at women and is becoming increasingly popular in the Netherlands. It provides support for menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and irritable feelings.
From: €6.40
Blackcurrant - Ribes nigrum
The Latin name for blackcurrant is Ribes nigrum L. 'Nigrum' refers to the dark color and 'ribes' to the berries themselves. Various parts of the blackcurrant plant are attributed with different health benefits. The berries, seeds and leaves exhibit unique properties. For example, blackcurrant leaves are used to maintain healthy cartilage and to keep the joints flexible.
From: €2.95
Cat's Claw - Uncaria tomentosa
Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa) is a climbing plant that is native to the Amazon region of Brazil and Peru. It is highly valued in the Peruvian Amazon and is among the protected species. This plant is often called the 'sacred herb of the rainforest' because of its significance. The name 'cat's claw' or 'cat's claw' is derived from the small claw-like thorns at the base of the leaves, which resemble a cat's claws. These claws help the vine to wrap itself around trees and climb up to a hundred meters high!
From: €2.60
Cat's Claw - Uncaria tomentosa - Cut
Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa) is a climbing plant that is native to the Amazon region of Brazil and Peru. It is highly valued in the Peruvian Amazon and is among the protected species. This plant is often called the 'sacred herb of the rainforest' because of its significance. The name 'cat's claw' or 'cat's claw' is derived from the small claw-like thorns at the base of the leaves, which resemble a cat's claws. These claws help the vine to wrap itself around trees and climb up to a hundred meters high!
From: €2.20
Cat's Claw Tincture - Uncaria tomentosa Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried bark of Uncaria tomentosa (Cat's Claw).
Although the West has only recently discovered the benefits of this herb, many cultures native to the Amazon rainforest have been using cat's claw for centuries. It is known for its ability to keep joints flexible and to support the human body's immune system. The active ingredients of cat's claw are alkaloids, tannins and various other phytochemicals. Research has shown that some of these alkaloids can support the immune system.
Cat’s Claw - 320 mg
Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa) is a climbing plant that is native to the Amazon region of Brazil and Peru. It is highly valued in the Peruvian Amazon and is among the protected species. This plant is often called the 'sacred herb of the rainforest' because of its significance. The name 'cat's claw' or 'cat's claw' is derived from the small claw-like thorns at the base of the leaves, which resemble a cat's claws. These claws help the vine to wrap itself around trees and climb up to a hundred meters high!
Chamomile (Flower) - Matricaria recutita, Chamomillae europ. - Whole
True chamomile, also known as Matricaria chamomilla or Matricaria recutita, is native throughout Europe and widely cultivated in countries such as Hungary and Eastern Europe. The ancient Egyptians revered chamomile as the flower of the sun god Ra. The herb is known for its supportive effect on the immune system, soothing effect on the respiratory tract and promoting digestion. Additionally, chamomile is often used as a natural sedative and to promote restful sleep.
From: €2.95
Chamomile - Matricaria recutita, Chamomillae europ.
True chamomile, also known as Matricaria chamomilla or Matricaria recutita, is native throughout Europe and widely cultivated in countries such as Hungary and Eastern Europe. The ancient Egyptians revered chamomile as the flower of the sun god Ra. The herb is known for its supportive effect on the immune system, soothing effect on the respiratory tract and promoting digestion. Additionally, chamomile is often used as a natural sedative and to promote restful sleep.
From: €3.00
Chlorella - Chlorella
Chlorella, a single-celled green algae belonging to the green algae family, thrives in lakes and rivers of Southeast Asia. This microscopic organism is a veritable treasure trove of nutrients, including proteins, vitamins, trace elements and omega-3 fatty acids.
Its versatility is reflected in supporting the immune system and promoting liver detoxification. Chlorella also contributes to healthy digestion and supports normal intestinal function. The name 'chlorella' has its origins in the Greek words 'chloros' and 'ella', which mean 'green' and 'small' respectively.
From: €4.60
Cinnamon - Cinnamomi ceylon
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum) has been known for centuries for its many uses. It is extracted from the bark of the Cinnamomum cassia tree, where part of the bark is carefully cut loose and the rough outer surface is removed with a knife. The well-known cinnamon sticks or cinnamon powder are made from the inside of the bark. Cinnamon has been valued for centuries, both in culinary and herbalist circles.
This herb has been used in Asian cultures for centuries for its versatile uses. The wonderful aroma of cinnamon is determined by volatile oils, of which cinnamaldehyde is the most common. In addition, cinnamon also contains substances such as eugenol, coumarins, tannins, OPCs and terpenes. 
From: €2.95
Cinnamon - Cinnamomi ceylon - Cut
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum) has been known for centuries for its many uses. It is extracted from the bark of the Cinnamomum cassia tree, where part of the bark is carefully cut loose and the rough outer surface is removed with a knife. The well-known cinnamon sticks or cinnamon powder are made from the inside of the bark. Cinnamon has been valued for centuries, both in culinary and herbalist circles.
This herb has been used in Asian cultures for centuries for its versatile uses. The wonderful aroma of cinnamon is determined by volatile oils, of which cinnamaldehyde is the most common. In addition, cinnamon also contains substances such as eugenol, coumarins, tannins, OPCs and terpenes.
From: €2.95
Clove - Syzygium aromaticum
Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) is the dried, fragrant flower bud of the clove tree. The main active ingredient is eugenol, which also promotes the antioxidant properties of cloves. Clove is known for its antioxidant effect and supports healthy digestion. In addition, it improves blood circulation and soothes the throat.
From: €2.50
Clove - Syzygium aromaticum - Whole
Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) is the dried, fragrant flower bud of the clove tree. The main active ingredient is eugenol, which also promotes the antioxidant properties of cloves. Clove is known for its antioxidant effect and supports healthy digestion. In addition, it improves blood circulation and soothes the throat.
From: €2.50
Cordyceps - 500 mg
Cordyceps originates in the Far East and is widely used in Chinese herbalism. Cordyceps sinensis, also known as the caterpillar fungus, is a mushroom with a wide range of active substances and is therefore used for various purposes.
In traditional Chinese herbalism, cordyceps is even called the 'emperor of the mushrooms'. This fungus lives as a parasite on caterpillars of a specific moth species. It infects the caterpillars with its spores, after which a club-shaped mushroom grows from the head of the mummified caterpillar. The name 'cordyceps' comes from the Latin 'cordy' (club) and 'ceps' (head), while 'sinensis' means 'Chinese'. In the Netherlands, this fungus is also known as 'caterpillar killer', 'caterpillar fungus' or 'Chinese caterpillar killer'.
Damiana - Damianae mex. (Turnera diffusa) - Cut
Damiana (Turnera diffusa) is a shrub native to southern Texas in the United States, as well as Central America, Mexico, South America and the Caribbean. It belongs to the Passifloraceae family and has been used by the Mayan Indians for centuries for its known effects on libido. Both men and women benefit from the libido-supporting properties of damiana, which is also known for its stress-reducing effect.
In Mexico, women often prepare tea from the fragrant leaves of the damiana shrub or smoke them to stimulate their feelings of pleasure. Damiana leaf contains several active substances, including beta-sitosterol, arbutin and alkaloids.
From: €2.70