
Dandelion (Root) - Taraxum officinale
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) has been known for centuries for its ability to support liver and gallbladder function. Both the root and the above-ground parts of the plant are rich in nutrients. In addition, dandelion has a beneficial effect on digestion.
The rich nutritional value of dandelions makes it advisable to regularly pick some fresh leaves in the wild and add them to salads. They are especially tasty in the spring. The fresh yellow flowers can be used as a cheerful decoration in salads and dried they can be processed into a 'wild' herbal tea.
Dandelions contain a high level of bitter substances, which always indicates that they are beneficial for liver and gallbladder function.
From: €2.20
Dandelion - 350 mg
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) has been known for centuries for its ability to support liver and gallbladder function. Both the root and the above-ground parts of the plant are rich in nutrients. In addition, dandelion has a beneficial effect on digestion.
The rich nutritional value of dandelions makes it advisable to regularly pick some fresh leaves in the wild and add them to salads. They are especially tasty in the spring. The fresh yellow flowers can be used as a cheerful decoration in salads and dried they can be processed into a 'wild' herbal tea.
Dandelions contain a high level of bitter substances, which always indicates that they are beneficial for liver and gallbladder function.
Dandelion Tincture - Taraxum officinale Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried herb & root of Taraxum officinale (Dandelion).
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) has been known for centuries for its ability to support liver and gallbladder function. Both the root and the above-ground parts of the plant are rich in nutrients. In addition, dandelion has a beneficial effect on digestion.
The rich nutritional value of dandelions makes it advisable to regularly pick some fresh leaves in the wild and add them to salads. They are especially tasty in the spring. The fresh yellow flowers can be used as a cheerful decoration in salads and dried they can be processed into a 'wild' herbal tea.
Dill - Anethum graveolens
Dill seed has a refreshing, spicy flavor reminiscent of anise and fennel, and it is more powerful in flavor than dill tops. Whole dill seeds retain their aroma and flavor longer than ground dill seeds. Our dried dill seed is completely natural and free of additives.
Dill is an indispensable seasoning in the kitchen and is often used for preserving vegetables, salmon, mayonnaise and potato salad. It is also delicious in bread, stews, salads, soups, on fish, peas, beans, carrots, pumpkin, beets and potatoes.
From: €2.50
Dogrose - Rosa canina
The dog rose (Rosa canina) is a native rose species in the Benelux, found in Europe, Northwest Africa and West Asia. This species has been introduced into North America.
It is a large, upright growing shrub that can reach a height of 1-4 meters, with long, arching branches that sometimes hang over. The leaves and branches without glands are green, sometimes with a reddish tinge.
The dog rose blooms from June to July with flowers 3.5 to 4.5 centimeters in size, usually pale pink but sometimes white, and they grow in groups of one to ten.
After flowering, a rose hip develops, a fleshy flower base with nutty fruits inside. The rose hip is oval or ovoid, red-orange in color, and measures 1-2.5 cm long and 1-1.8 cm wide.
From: €1.95
Elder - Sambuci nigri
The elder (Sambucus nigra L.) is a versatile plant that grows both as a shrub and as a tree in many places in the Netherlands. Although the berries are mainly known for their health-promoting properties, the blossoms also contain valuable substances that can support the immune system and the respiratory tract.
The berries, which ripen towards the end of summer, are rich in natural vitamin C and are considered a powerful antioxidant. They are often used to support the immune system and respiratory system. In addition to flavonoids, the berries also contain anthocyanins, natural sugars and tannins, just like the blossoms.
From: €3.00
Elderberry Tincture - Sambucus nigra Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried blossom herb of Sambucus nigra (elderberry).
The elder (Sambucus nigra L.) is a native tree/shrub in the Netherlands that is widespread in various places in our country. Towards the end of May the elder tree blooms and produces large umbels of small, creamy white flowers that give off a sweet, floral scent. These blossoms are used to make elderflower liqueur, syrup or pancakes. In addition to their delicious taste, the blossoms are also rich in substances, including up to 3% flavonoids such as rutin, quercetin and astragalin. In addition, they contain tannins (tannins), triterpenes, fatty acids and essential oil.
Elecampane - Inula helenium
The Elecampane (Inula helenium) is a perennial plant that belongs to the composite family (Compositae or Asteraceae). This plant is naturally found in Western and Central Asia and has been known for its culinary and medicinal uses since ancient times.
The ancient Greeks called the plant helenion, which means "the radiant, the splendid." This name is related to hèlios, which means "sun". There are several myths surrounding the naming. The Romans adopted the Greek name and called the plant inula. When Linnaeus introduced the scientific Latin name Inula helenium in 1753, he combined the Roman genus name with the Greek specific name.
From: €1.95
Elm - Ulmi camp. - Cut
The elm (Ulmus), also known as olm, is a genus of deciduous trees. These trees have feather-veined leaves with a serrate or double-serrate leaf edge. They bloom before the leaves appear, with small green perianths whose petals are fused together. Above the perianths are the stamens with purple anthers and the pistil. The seeds of the elm are flattened and have a broad, winged edge. Elms thrive best in fairly nutrient-rich, moist and calcareous soil.
From: €1.95
Enzymes - Complex
Our Enzymes - Complex is a supplement with five digestive enzymes: protease, lipase, amylase, cellulase and lactase. This complex comes from the renowned company DigeZyme® and is a natural, plant-based enzyme complex.
Enzymes - Complex, DigeZyme®, is formulated to support the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the stomach. It contains protease, amylase, lactase, lipase and cellulase.
Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare - Grounded
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a plant belonging to the lacecap family (Apiaceae). It has a distinctive flavor reminiscent of anise, and both the threadlike branches of the leaves and the seeds are used as a herb and spice.
Originally from Asia and the Mediterranean, fennel was brought to Europe via medieval trade routes. Fennel is widely grown, especially in Southern Europe, and is an important ingredient in salads and other dishes.
Chewing fennel seeds can suppress the feeling of hunger. In the past, believers who went to church sober sometimes chewed fennel seeds during the church service.
From: €1.95
Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare - Whole
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a plant belonging to the lacecap family (Apiaceae). It has a distinctive flavor reminiscent of anise, and both the threadlike branches of the leaves and the seeds are used as a herb and spice.
Originally from Asia and the Mediterranean, fennel was brought to Europe via medieval trade routes. Fennel is widely grown, especially in Southern Europe, and is an important ingredient in salads and other dishes.
Chewing fennel seeds can suppress the feeling of hunger. In the past, believers who went to church sober sometimes chewed fennel seeds during the church service.
From: €1.95
Fenugreek - Foenugraeci graecum
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), also known as fenugreek, boxhorn trefoil or Greek hay, is known for its various health benefits. It can help stimulate appetite, support the immune system and promote fat metabolism.
This versatile plant is mainly used as a spice in Indian cuisine. The aromatic leaves of fenugreek are also used to mask the bitter taste of medicines. Originally from the Mediterranean region, fenugreek later gained popularity in Asia.
Fenugreek is rich in essential minerals such as iron and copper. In addition, it contains saponins and coumarins, where coumarins are known for their pleasant hay-like scent.
From: €1.95
Fenugreek - Foenugraeci graecum - Whole
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), also known as fenugreek, boxhorn trefoil or Greek hay, is known for its various health benefits. It can help stimulate appetite, support the immune system and promote fat metabolism.
This versatile plant is mainly used as a spice in Indian cuisine. The aromatic leaves of fenugreek are also used to mask the bitter taste of medicines. Originally from the Mediterranean region, fenugreek later gained popularity in Asia.
Fenugreek is rich in essential minerals such as iron and copper. In addition, it contains saponins and coumarins, where coumarins are known for their pleasant hay-like scent.
From: €1.95
Flowers Herbal Tea
Herbal tea composed of various herbs
Nice for a floral moment
Flowers Sweet - Citrus aurantium dulce
Orange blossom is a delicious addition to tea, which gives a subtle sweet taste.
Orange blossom, from Citrus aurantium dulce, adds a delicious sweet touch to your favorite tea. It is the ideal way to enrich your tea experience.
From: €20.00
Folic Acid - 800 mcg
Folic acid (vitamin B11 or B9) contributes to normal cell division and is thus involved in the production of cells and tissues, including red and white blood cells. Folate, by supporting normal blood formation, may help reduce fatigue and contribute to the normal function of the immune system. An adequate intake of folate is beneficial for homocysteine metabolism (production of methioine). Methionine, in turn, is mainly used for the production of S-adenosylmethionine, which is involved as a methyl donor in the production of DNA, RNA phospholipids, proteins and neurotransmitters, among other things. Folate is also necessary for normal brain and functions, and is therefore good for concentration, memory and mood.
Fruits Herbal Tea
Herbal tea composed of various herbs
Delicious for every moment
Garlic (Fine) - Allium sativi
Garlic (Allium sativum) has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and the liver, while also supporting the immune system and regulating blood sugar levels.
Garlic belongs to the garlic family and produces a leafy, round flower shaft from the bulb in the spring. It is one of the oldest plants in herbalism. Although it is prized for its taste, garlic is also known for its strong smell.
From: €1.95
Garlic - Allium sativi
Garlic (Allium sativum) has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and the liver, while also supporting the immune system and regulating blood sugar levels.
Garlic belongs to the garlic family and produces a leafy, round flower shaft from the bulb in the spring. It is one of the oldest plants in herbalism. Although it is prized for its taste, garlic is also known for its strong smell.
From: €1.95
Gentian (Yellow) - Gentiana lutea
The large yellow gentian, also known as Gentiana lutea, is a perennial plant belonging to the gentian family (Gentianaceae). This plant naturally occurs in European mountains, mainly at altitudes up to 2200 meters.
In ancient times, yellow gentian was used as a medicine against various ailments, including fever, gout, hypochondria, malaria, intestinal parasites and even alcoholism. Today the plant is mainly used for its bitter properties, such as stimulating the appetite, and as an ingredient in liqueurs, such as gentian liqueur.
From: €4.80
Gentian Large Yellow Tincture - Gentiana lutea Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried root of Gentiana lutea (Gentian Large Yellow).
The large yellow gentian, also known as Gentiana lutea, is a perennial plant belonging to the gentian family (Gentianaceae). This plant naturally occurs in European mountains, mainly at altitudes up to 2200 meters.
In ancient times, yellow gentian was used as a medicine against various ailments, including fever, gout, hypochondria, malaria, intestinal parasites and even alcoholism. Today the plant is mainly used for its bitter properties, such as stimulating the appetite, and as an ingredient in liqueurs, such as gentian liqueur.
Geranium - Pelargonium sidoides
The Cape geranium, also known as Pelargonium sidoides, is a South African geranium species that has been part of indigenous herbal lore for centuries. The locals call it 'umckaloabo'. This plant thrives in the wild among tall grass and aromatic flower beds on the slopes of the Cape coast. It has soft, velvety gray-green leaves and deep magenta-colored flowers. The dried and ground rhizomes are dark red in color. They have a soothing effect on the airways and are therefore suitable for providing support for airway problems.
From: €5.00