Blood sugar

Intestinal Formula
Intestinal Formula is a powerful supplement designed to support healthy intestinal function. This therapeutic formula is specially formulated to address a variety of intestinal problems, including constipation and gas caused by methane and hydrogen producing bacteria.
This supplement contains a synergistic blend of herbs, minerals, vitamins and enzymes that work together to improve digestion and support the intestines. The herbs, minerals and vitamins contribute to a balanced intestinal flora and support the general well-being of the digestive system. Enzymes help break down food and promote efficient digestion.
Jerusalem artichoke - Helianthus tuberosus
The Jerusalem artichoke, also known as topinambur, tuberous sunflower or Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), is a perennial plant belonging to the composite family. This plant is grown in both ornamental and vegetable gardens and thrives in the Dutch climate, where it tends to spread widely. Mowing the plant is not sufficient to remove the tubers, as they survive.
As the name Jerusalem artichoke suggests, the underground parts, also called root tubers, are used. These tubers contain fructans, biotin, calcium, iron, sodium and inulin. Moreover, it is certain that they do not store nitrates.
From: €2.75
Juniper Berries - Juniper communis
The juniper berry (Juniperus communis) is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which occur naturally in its berries. These antioxidants protect our body cells against harmful influences such as pollution and sunlight. In addition, they support digestion and contribute to healthy kidney function and fluid balance.
The juniper is a conifer native to Europe, Asia and America. This tree bears flowers and berries at the same time, which can be green and black. The name Juniperus is derived from the Celtic word 'juneprus', meaning rough, prickly or bitter, and 'communis' meaning plain. Since ancient times, the berries have been used by Greeks and Romans for their health benefits.
From: €2.60
Juniper Berries - Juniper communis - Whole
The juniper berry (Juniperus communis) is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which occur naturally in its berries. These antioxidants protect our body cells against harmful influences such as pollution and sunlight. In addition, they support digestion and contribute to healthy kidney function and fluid balance.
The juniper is a conifer native to Europe, Asia and America. This tree bears flowers and berries at the same time, which can be green and black. The name Juniperus is derived from the Celtic word 'juneprus', meaning rough, prickly or bitter, and 'communis' meaning plain. Since ancient times, the berries have been used by Greeks and Romans for their health benefits.
From: €2.25
Kelp - 500 mg
Kelp, a member of the brown algae (Laminariales) family, thrives in the cold waters of the major oceans. This large species of seaweed is an excellent source of iodine, an essential element for healthy thyroid function in humans.
In Asia, especially Japan, seaweed has been an integral part of the daily diet for centuries. A well-known kelp species is kombu (Laminaria japonica), which is often cooked with rice for sushi. In addition to being one of the largest plants in the world, kelp is known for growing extremely quickly, sometimes up to three meters per day.
Kelp - Vesiculosus Fucus
Kelp, a member of the brown algae (Laminariales) family, thrives in the cold waters of the major oceans. This large species of seaweed is an excellent source of iodine, an essential element for healthy thyroid function in humans.
In Asia, especially Japan, seaweed has been an integral part of the daily diet for centuries. A well-known kelp species is kombu (Laminaria japonica), which is often cooked with rice for sushi. In addition to being one of the largest plants in the world, kelp is known for growing extremely quickly, sometimes up to three meters per day.
From: €1.95
Korean ginseng Tincture - Panax ginseng Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried root of Panax ginseng (Korean ginseng).
Panax Ginseng is a plant with a slow-growing, sturdy root. Panax Ginseng is considered one of the most important medicinal herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. In fact, it is even the world's most famous herb. Panax ginseng has been used for more than 5,000 years to optimize human health and well-being in Asia. In the world of Chinese ethnopharmacology, it has been used for more than 3,000 years.
Lemongrass - Cymbopogon citratus
Lemongrass, also known as sereh (Cymbopogon citratus), belongs to the grass family (Poaceae). This plant is widely used in Asian cuisine, especially in dishes from Thailand, India, Vietnam and Indonesia. Lemongrass thrives in several regions, including India, Africa, Vietnam, Australia and America. In Indonesia it is known as sereh, and this name is also often used in the Netherlands.
The leaves of the lemongrass plant are the culinary stars. They have a refreshing, lemony taste and are not consumed raw. Pieces of lemongrass are often added to dishes during cooking or stewing, after which they are removed before serving.
From: €1.95
Licorice (Without Bark) - Glycyrrhiza glabra, Liquiritiae
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is a versatile herb that plays an important role in Ayurvedic medicine. It is known for its beneficial effects on digestion and maintaining flexible joints, while also soothing the respiratory tract.
This plant is grown in various parts of the world, including Europe, Asia and the Middle East. It is a hardy plant that even thrives in the Netherlands. However, it takes three to four years before the roots can be harvested.
In addition to the roots, the leaves can also be used, for example to make tea. Licorice is widely used in foods and pharmaceuticals because of its sweet taste and other ingredients.
From: €1.95
Licorice - Glycyrrhiza glabra, Liquiritiae
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is a versatile herb that plays an important role in Ayurvedic medicine. It is known for its beneficial effects on digestion and maintaining flexible joints, while also soothing the respiratory tract.
This plant is grown in various parts of the world, including Europe, Asia and the Middle East. It is a hardy plant that even thrives in the Netherlands. However, it takes three to four years before the roots can be harvested.
In addition to the roots, the leaves can also be used, for example to make tea. Licorice is widely used in foods and pharmaceuticals because of its sweet taste and other ingredients.
From: €1.95
Maitake Extract - 420 mg
Maitake (Grifola frondosa), also known as oak hare, originates in the Far East and plays an important role in Chinese herbalism. This fungus, rich in various bioactive substances, is versatile for various applications. The name "maitake" comes from Japanese and literally means 'dancing mushroom', referring to the joy people experienced when finding it.
In nature, maitake mainly grows as a parasite on the roots or stumps of deciduous trees. For thousands of years, maitake has been valued in traditional Chinese herbalism for its nutritional value. This brown, lush fungus can sometimes weigh up to twenty kilos. With its delicious, aromatic flavor, maitake is a popular fungus in Japanese cuisine.
Marshmallow (Leaf) - Altheae officinalis
Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) belongs to the mallow family (Malvaceae) and has been spread worldwide by human activity, especially to areas with suitable soil, humidity and climate.
The starch in the carrot, mixed with proteinaceous substances, was formerly used in making marshmallows and bacon. The leaves can be eaten cooked and the flowers can be used raw in salads.
In the medicinal field, marshmallow root has a soothing effect on the respiratory tract (source WHO) and is used in cough syrups.
From: €1.95
Marshmallow (Root) - Althaea officinalis
Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) belongs to the mallow family (Malvaceae) and has been spread worldwide by human activity, especially to areas with suitable soil, humidity and climate.
The starch in the carrot, mixed with proteinaceous substances, was formerly used in making marshmallows and bacon. The leaves can be eaten cooked and the flowers can be used raw in salads.
In the medicinal field, marshmallow root has a soothing effect on the respiratory tract (source WHO) and is used in cough syrups.
From: €2.50
Marshmallow - Althaea officinalis
Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) belongs to the mallow family (Malvaceae) and has been spread worldwide by human activity, especially to areas with suitable soil, humidity and climate.
The starch in the carrot, mixed with proteinaceous substances, was formerly used in making marshmallows and bacon. The leaves can be eaten cooked and the flowers can be used raw in salads.
In the medicinal field, marshmallow root has a soothing effect on the respiratory tract (source WHO) and is used in cough syrups.
From: €2.75
Milk Thistle (Herb) - Sylibum marianum, Cardui Mariae - Cut
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum), also known as milk thistle or milk thistle, is a spiny plant native to the Mediterranean region, but which also grows in our area. It belongs to the composite family. Milk thistle has been used for centuries as a natural remedy to support liver and bile function. It can be used as part of a cleansing regimen to assist the liver in the detoxification process.
From: €1.95
Milk Thistle (Seed) - Sylibum marianum, Cardui Mariae
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum), also known as milk thistle or milk thistle, is a spiny plant native to the Mediterranean region, but which also grows in our area. It belongs to the composite family. Milk thistle has been used for centuries as a natural remedy to support liver and bile function. It can be used as part of a cleansing regimen to assist the liver in the detoxification process.
The seeds of milk thistle contain silymarin, a powerful antioxidant. Silymarin stimulates the liver in the natural detoxification process and thus supports liver function.
From: €1.95
Milk Thistle (Seed) - Sylibum marianum, Cardui Mariae - Whole
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum), also known as milk thistle or milk thistle, is a spiny plant native to the Mediterranean region, but which also grows in our area. It belongs to the composite family. Milk thistle has been used for centuries as a natural remedy to support liver and bile function. It can be used as part of a cleansing regimen to assist the liver in the detoxification process.
The seeds of milk thistle contain silymarin, a powerful antioxidant. Silymarin stimulates the liver in the natural detoxification process and thus supports liver function.
From: €1.95
Milk Thistle - 450 mg
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum), also known as milk thistle or milk thistle, is a spiny plant native to the Mediterranean region, but which also grows in our area. It belongs to the composite family. Milk thistle has been used for centuries as a natural remedy to support liver and bile function. It can be used as part of a cleansing regimen to assist the liver in the detoxification process.
The seeds of milk thistle contain silymarin, a powerful antioxidant. Silymarin stimulates the liver in the natural detoxification process and thus supports liver function.
Moringa oleifera - 300 mg
Moringa oleifera, also known as the 'tree of life', thrives in Africa and Asia and is known for its rich nutritional value. The tree is a treasure trove of more than dozens of nutrients, including no fewer than 47 antioxidants. Containing minerals, proteins, vitamins, beta-carotene, amino acids and various phenols in abundance, the leaves of the moringa are the true storehouse of nutritional value.
For centuries, Asian and African cultures have recognized the benefits of moringa oleifera. The tree has become an integral part of their daily diet due to its versatile uses and nutritional value. Because of its abundant benefits, moringa oleifera is often affectionately referred to as "the tree of life."
Nettle - 380 mg
The nettle (Urtica dioica) is a powerful and versatile plant that occurs in many places, despite its irritating property to the touch. Known for its culinary uses, such as nettle soup and tea, the nettle is also known for its health benefits.
Originally from Africa and Asia, the plant goes by the Latin name Urtica dioica and has been used for centuries. In herbalism, not only the dried leaves, but also the dried roots are used.
Nettle leaf is a traditional herbal medicine with various applications. It contributes to healthy skin, gives shine to the hair and strengthens the nails. In addition, it can help soothe the respiratory tract and maintain proper fluid balance. It also provides support to the heart and blood vessels.
Nettle Tincture - Urticae dioica Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried herb of Urticae dioica (Nettle).
The nettle (Urtica dioica) is a powerful and versatile plant that occurs in many places, despite its irritating property to the touch. Known for its culinary uses, such as nettle soup and tea, the nettle is also known for its health benefits.
Nettle leaf is a traditional herbal medicine with various applications. It contributes to healthy skin, gives shine to the hair and strengthens the nails. In addition, it can help soothe the respiratory tract and maintain proper fluid balance. It also provides support to the heart and blood vessels.
Olive - Olea europaea
Olive leaves, from the wild olive tree (Olea europaea), are naturally rich in antioxidants. Originally native to western Asia, Egypt and Syria, these trees are now a distinctive sight throughout the Mediterranean region, as well as in regions such as South America, the southern United States, southern Australia and the tropics. Olive leaf tea has been consumed in the Mediterranean for centuries, and this is not surprising given the known antioxidant properties of olive leaves. It is therefore no coincidence that the olive tree is often referred to as the 'tree of life'.
From: €2.25
Oregano - Origani cetici
Oregano also known as wild marjoram, is a special herb that has been used for thousands of years for its beneficial properties. It supports healthy intestinal flora and promotes digestion. In addition, oregano has benefits for the heart, blood vessels and blood pressure.
The herb belongs to the Lamiaceae family, which also includes rosemary, thyme and mint. Oreganois is particularly rich in carvacrol, which gives it its characteristic spicy and slightly bitter taste. The most vigorous form of oregano grows in Mediterranean mountain areas, thriving on calcareous soil. During the spring, wild oregano blooms and residents go into the mountains to collect these aromatic herbs. 
From: €1.95
Oregano - Origani vulgaris
Oregano (Origanum vulgare) also known as wild marjoram, is a special herb that has been used for thousands of years for its beneficial properties. It supports healthy intestinal flora and promotes digestion. In addition, oregano has benefits for the heart, blood vessels and blood pressure.
The herb belongs to the Lamiaceae family, which also includes rosemary, thyme and mint. Oreganois is particularly rich in carvacrol, which gives it its characteristic spicy and slightly bitter taste. The most vigorous form of oregano grows in Mediterranean mountain areas, thriving on calcareous soil. During the spring, wild oregano blooms and residents go into the mountains to collect these aromatic herbs. 
From: €1.95