
Tumeric zanth. - Curcumae zanthorrhizae
Curcuma (also known as Javanese Ginger) (Curcumae zanthorrhizae) is respected worldwide as one of the most valuable spices. It originates in the tropical regions of India and Southeast Asia. The powder of the root is known for its popularity in Asian cuisine and is known in the Netherlands as turmeric, due to its role in coloring curry and mustard.
In addition to its culinary uses, turmeric also offers several health benefits. Curcuma has been used in India for centuries because of its effective effect on flexible joints and intestinal function. It is a powerful antioxidant that benefits the liver and musculoskeletal system, while also aiding digestion. 
From: €1.95
Tumeric zanth. - Curcumae zanthorrhizae - Cut
Curcuma (also known as Javanese Ginger) (Curcumae zanthorrhizae) is respected worldwide as one of the most valuable spices. It originates in the tropical regions of India and Southeast Asia. The powder of the root is known for its popularity in Asian cuisine and is known in the Netherlands as turmeric, due to its role in coloring curry and mustard.
In addition to its culinary uses, turmeric also offers several health benefits. Curcuma has been used in India for centuries because of its effective effect on flexible joints and intestinal function. It is a powerful antioxidant that benefits the liver and musculoskeletal system, while also aiding digestion.
From: €1.95
Tumeric zanthorrhiza Tincture - Curcumae zanthorrhizae Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried root of Curcumae zanthorrhizae (Tumeric).
Curcuma (also known as Javanese Ginger) (Curcumae zanthorrhizae) is respected worldwide as one of the most valuable spices. It originates in the tropical regions of India and Southeast Asia. The powder of the root is known for its popularity in Asian cuisine and is known in the Netherlands as turmeric, due to its role in coloring curry and mustard.
In addition to its culinary uses, turmeric also offers several health benefits. Curcuma has been used in India for centuries because of its effective effect on flexible joints and intestinal function.
Vervain - Verbena officinalis
Verbena (Verbena officinalis) is a plant that belongs to the Verbena family. It is a perennial herbaceous plant, sometimes annual, with a thin, erect stem that can grow up to 100 cm in height, with the bottom of the stem becoming lignified. The leaves of vervain are hairy and can take different shapes. This plant has no distinctive odor and tastes bitter raw and untreated.
The flowers of vervain appear in spike-shaped clusters in the leaf axils. They are trumpet shaped and vary in color from soft pink to violet. The flowering period extends from June to autumn. The flower spikes are slender yet sturdy and flexible. The fruit of vervain is a split fruit.
From: €1.95
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) (Biologically Active Form) - 100 mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) plays a role as a coenzyme in energy metabolism and supports energy production by acting as a biochemical electron carrier in many oxidation and reduction reactions involved. It also helps protect fats, proteins and DNA from oxidation, as the production of glutathione and the antioxidant enzyme gluthathione peroxidase depend on this vitamin. In addition, vitamin B2 can help to reduce fatigue, it helps to maintain normal red blood cells, it is good for the skin, eyes, mucous membranes and the nervous system.
Vitamin B3 “Flush Free” (Inositol Hexaniacinate) - 100 mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacin, Niacinamide, Inositol Hexanicotinate) supports energy production by being part of two important coenzymes in the body: NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) and NADP (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate). These two substances activate more than two hundred specific enzymes (dehydrogenase) that are important for electron transport and cell respiration (dissimilation). Cell respiration is the process by which ATP (adenosine triphosphate, carrier of chemical energy) is generated in the mitochondria (the “energy generator” of the cell) by the combustion of nutrients. Vitamin B3 can contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. In addition, it is good for the skin, mucous membranes, the nervous system and normal psychological functioning.
Vitamin C & Quercetin (Bioflavonoids)
The pure form of vitamin C is ascorbic acid. The buffered forms of ascorbic acid are generally better tolerated by humans than the pure form. Ascorbic acid is acidic and the buffered forms give virtually no gastrointestinal problems. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for the body. It is involved in many processes in the body, including immune system, blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, teeth, skin, energy metabolism, nervous system and fatigue.
Quercetin is a flavonoid, also called bioflavonoid. This natural plant compound is found in various plants, fruits and vegetables. Flavonoids are responsible for the vibrant colors (pigments) in these plants and come in various shades. They play a crucial role in plant metabolism, regulate growth, provide protection against UV light, oxidation.
Vitamin C & Rutin (Bioflavonoids)
The pure form of vitamin C is ascorbic acid. The buffered forms of ascorbic acid are generally better tolerated by humans than the pure form. Ascorbic acid is acidic and the buffered forms give virtually no gastrointestinal problems. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for the body. It is involved in many processes in the body, including immune system, blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, teeth, skin, energy metabolism, nervous system and fatigue.
Rutin, also known as a flavonoid or bioflavonoid, is a naturally occurring substance in vegetables, fruits, herbs and plants. It is known for its vibrant pigmentation and can have different colors. Rutin plays several important roles in plants, such as regulating growth, protecting against UV radiation, oxidation and heat,
Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbic Acid) - 625 mg
The pure form of vitamin C is ascorbic acid. The buffered forms of ascorbic acid are generally better tolerated by humans than the pure form. Ascorbic acid is acidic, the fused forms give virtually no gastrointestinal problems. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for the body. It is involved in many processes in the body, including immune system, blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, teeth, skin, energy metabolism, nervous system and fatigue.
Vitamine A (acétate de rétinol) - 4,000 UI - 1,200 mcg
Vitamin A is involved in various biochemical and physiological processes in the cell. For example, vitamin A binds to so-called retoinden receptors that ensure the activation or inactivation of genes that play a role in the cell specialization process. Cells acquire their specific functionality, depending on the type of tissue they are part of. Sufficient intake of vitamin A is also important for vision, but not only for the ability to adapt vision to a dark environment. Vitamin A also maintains a good structure and moisture balance of the cornea through tears. Furthermore, this vitamin is necessary for the integrity of epithelial cells in the body and thus supports the quality of the skin and mucous membranes (including in the intestine and lungs).
Walnut - Juglans regia
The Juglans regia, also known as walnut, walnut or walnut, belongs to the walnut family (Juglandaceae). This species is also known as common walnut or Persian walnut, to avoid confusion with the genus Juglans. Other species in the genus Juglans include the white walnut and the black walnut.
This deciduous tree can reach a height of up to 30 meters with a crown that can be more than 10 meters wide. The leaves are odd-pinnate and can be 25-40 cm long, consisting of five to nine leaflets per compound leaf. The three largest leaflets are located at the end of the leaf and measure 10-18 cm long and 6-8 cm wide. The leaflets at the base of the leaf are smaller, usually 5-8 cm long.
From: €1.95
Woddruff Sweet - Galium aparine
Woddruff Sweet (Galium aparine) belongs to the star-leaved family (Rubiaceae). This plant is known for its ability to cling to objects it comes into contact with, thanks to the numerous hooks on both the stem and fruits. This causes plants and fruits to get caught in the fur of animals, resulting in widespread dispersal over great distances.
Cleaver leaves are widest above the middle and have one central vein. They grow together in whorls of seven. These leaves also have hooks, albeit less than the rest of the plant. The stem is thickened at the tips.
From: €3.95
Zinc Bisglycinate - 75 mg
Zinc is available in different forms. Zinc bisglycinate has a very good bioavailability. It is a chelated form of zinc bound to two (bis) molecules of the amino acid glycine which has more benefits for the body. Zinc has a very wide range of action and is involved in many body processes. Zinc is essential for the activity of more than 300 enzymes that have the zinc ion as a cofactor. Zinc is also important for proteins and cell membranes. Zinc is important for the immune system, acid-base metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, DNA synthesis, cognitive functions, fertility, reproduction, vitamin A metabolism, macronutrient metabolism, bones, hair, skin, nails, hormones and cell division, among other things.