
Olibanum Idian - Boswelia serrata
Olibanum Idian (Boswellia serrata) is a medium to large deciduous tree with a slightly open crown and branches that hang slightly. This tree belongs to the Burseraceae family and is native to India and the Punjab area.
Olibanum Idian is extracted from the resin of the tree. Extracts of Boswellia serrata have been clinically studied for osteoarthritis and joint pain, showing a slight improvement in pain and function. In traditional Ayurveda it is used for diabetes.
Boswellia serrata produces several forms of boswellic acids, such as β-boswellic acid, acetyl-β-boswellic acid, 11-keto-β-boswellic acid and acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid.
From: €2.50
Pansy, Herb trinit (Herb) - Viola tricolor
The Pansy (Viola tricolor) belongs to the violet family (Violaceae) and is native to Europe, from Lapland to the Mediterranean, and even in Siberia.
This plant, which is an annual but can sometimes be perennial, grows to a height of 30 cm and has roots that can go up to 45 cm deep. The flowering period extends from May to October. The flowers are at least 1 cm wide, but usually larger, with an average diameter of 1.5 cm.
The Pansy was first described as a medicinal herb by Rembert Dodoens in 1554. It was traditionally used for childhood diseases and respiratory diseases. In England it was popular for treating heart disease, chest cramps and pleurisy.
From: €2.10
Pansy, Herb trinit Herb - Viola tricolor - Cut
The pansy (Viola tricolor) belongs to the violet family (Violaceae) and is native to Europe, from Lapland to the Mediterranean, and even in Siberia.
This plant, which is an annual but can sometimes be perennial, grows to a height of 30 cm and has roots that can go up to 45 cm deep. The flowering period extends from May to October. The flowers are at least 1 cm wide, but usually larger, with an average diameter of 1.5 cm.
The pansy was first described as a medicinal herb by Rembert Dodoens in 1554. It was traditionally used for childhood diseases and respiratory diseases. In England it was popular for treating heart disease, chest cramps and pleurisy.
From: €1.50
Pine Tincture - Pinus silvestris Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried needle of Pinus silvestris (Pine).
The Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) belongs to the pine family (Pinaceae) and can reach a respectable age of 200 to 300 years, thanks to its rich resin content.
In phytotherapy, the needles and buds of the Scots pine are used because of their content of tannins, flavonoids and vitamins. The oleoresin of this tree is rich in turpentine. This species is known for its abundant monoterpenes, such as α-pinene, β-pinene and limonene, which form an essential oil with expectorant, antiseptic, decongestant, venolymphatic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Propolis - Propolis
Propolis, the secret weapon of the bee colony, is used to protect the hive or hive against bacteria and fungi and as 'cement' to close the openings. It is a natural brown-red substance consisting of vegetable resins, beeswax, essential oils and pollen, with traces of vitamins and minerals.
From June onwards, honey bees collect resin from the buds and leaves of trees and herbaceous plants on warm days. They mix this with their saliva and process it with their paws, ultimately creating propolis.
From: €44.00
Rosehip - 500 mg
The dog rose (Rosa canina) is a native rose species in the Benelux, found in Europe, Northwest Africa and West Asia. This species has been introduced into North America.
After flowering, a rose hip develops, a fleshy flower base with nutty fruits inside. The rose hip is oval or ovoid, red-orange in color, and measures 1-2.5 cm long and 1-1.8 cm wide.
Rose hips are often used for making jam because of their high vitamin C content. They also contain carotene, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2.
Siberian Ginseng Tincture - Eleutherococcus senticosus Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried root of Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian ginseng).
Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) has had a good reputation in both China and Russia for centuries as a supporter of the immune system. Siberian ginseng root extract is beneficial for memory and concentration.
The carrots are a rich source of beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, C and E, and they are high in eleutherosides. It is important not to confuse Siberian ginseng with its Korean variant (Panax ginseng) or the American one (Panax quinquefolius). Not only do the names differ, but also the properties.
Solidago (Goldenrod) - 300 mg
Solidago virgaurea, also known as Goldenrod or Goldenrod, is a native plant that traditionally grows in Europe and Asia. In earlier times, this golden yellow flower was a permanent part of the Dutch herb garden. The yellow flowers were traditionally dried on a large scale and ground into a base for paint.
Solidago supports the kidneys and their function. It can be used for discomfort prior to menstruation and menopausal symptoms. In addition, solidago helps keep the joints flexible, strengthens resistance and contributes to good mental balance.
St John's Wort - Hyperici perforatum
St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) has had a positive reputation in European herbal medicine for centuries. It can be used to support both moments of depression and cheerfulness, and it promotes a good night's sleep. In addition, St. John's wort is beneficial for bile function and contributes to healthy digestion, thanks to the presence of bioflavonoids, tannins and essential oils.
The use of St. John's wort dates back to the times of the Ancient Greeks and is traditionally harvested between June 21 and 24, on the occasion of the Feast of St. John, in both pagan and Christian traditions.
From: €1.95
St. John's Wort Tincture - Hypericum perforatum Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried herb of Hypericum perforatum (St John's wort).
St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) has had a positive reputation in European herbal medicine for centuries. It can be used to support both moments of depression and cheerfulness, and it promotes a good night's sleep. In addition, St. John's wort is beneficial for bile function and contributes to healthy digestion, thanks to the presence of bioflavonoids, tannins and essential oils.
The use of St. John's wort dates back to the times of the Ancient Greeks and is traditionally harvested between June 21 and 24, on the occasion of the Feast of St. John, in both pagan and Christian traditions.
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Tumeric long. - Curcumae longae
Curcuma (also known as Turmeric) (Curcuma longa) is respected worldwide as one of the most valuable herbs. It originates in the tropical regions of India and Southeast Asia. The powder of the root is known for its popularity in Asian cuisine and is known in the Netherlands as turmeric, due to its role in coloring curry and mustard.
In addition to its culinary uses, turmeric also offers several health benefits. Curcuma has been used in India for centuries because of its effective effect on flexible joints and intestinal function. It is a powerful antioxidant that benefits the liver and musculoskeletal system, while also aiding digestion.
From: €1.95
Tumeric long. - Curcumae longae - Cut
Curcuma (also known as Turmeric) (Curcuma longa) is respected worldwide as one of the most valuable herbs. It originates in the tropical regions of India and Southeast Asia. The powder of the root is known for its popularity in Asian cuisine and is known in the Netherlands as turmeric, due to its role in coloring curry and mustard.
In addition to its culinary uses, turmeric also offers several health benefits. Curcuma has been used in India for centuries because of its effective effect on flexible joints and intestinal function. It is a powerful antioxidant that benefits the liver and musculoskeletal system, while also aiding digestion. 
From: €1.95
Tumeric zanth. - Curcumae zanthorrhizae
Curcuma (also known as Javanese Ginger) (Curcumae zanthorrhizae) is respected worldwide as one of the most valuable spices. It originates in the tropical regions of India and Southeast Asia. The powder of the root is known for its popularity in Asian cuisine and is known in the Netherlands as turmeric, due to its role in coloring curry and mustard.
In addition to its culinary uses, turmeric also offers several health benefits. Curcuma has been used in India for centuries because of its effective effect on flexible joints and intestinal function. It is a powerful antioxidant that benefits the liver and musculoskeletal system, while also aiding digestion. 
From: €1.95
Tumeric zanth. - Curcumae zanthorrhizae - Cut
Curcuma (also known as Javanese Ginger) (Curcumae zanthorrhizae) is respected worldwide as one of the most valuable spices. It originates in the tropical regions of India and Southeast Asia. The powder of the root is known for its popularity in Asian cuisine and is known in the Netherlands as turmeric, due to its role in coloring curry and mustard.
In addition to its culinary uses, turmeric also offers several health benefits. Curcuma has been used in India for centuries because of its effective effect on flexible joints and intestinal function. It is a powerful antioxidant that benefits the liver and musculoskeletal system, while also aiding digestion.
From: €1.95
Tumeric zanthorrhiza Tincture - Curcumae zanthorrhizae Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried root of Curcumae zanthorrhizae (Tumeric).
Curcuma (also known as Javanese Ginger) (Curcumae zanthorrhizae) is respected worldwide as one of the most valuable spices. It originates in the tropical regions of India and Southeast Asia. The powder of the root is known for its popularity in Asian cuisine and is known in the Netherlands as turmeric, due to its role in coloring curry and mustard.
In addition to its culinary uses, turmeric also offers several health benefits. Curcuma has been used in India for centuries because of its effective effect on flexible joints and intestinal function.
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Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbic Acid) - 625 mg
The pure form of vitamin C is ascorbic acid. The buffered forms of ascorbic acid are generally better tolerated by humans than the pure form. Ascorbic acid is acidic, the fused forms give virtually no gastrointestinal problems. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for the body. It is involved in many processes in the body, including immune system, blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, teeth, skin, energy metabolism, nervous system and fatigue.
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) - 3,000 IU - 75 mcg
Vitamin D is also produced by our skin, but for many this is not sufficient or does not work well. Vitamin D supplementation is a good solution for this. Vitamin D is important in various processes in the body. Vitamin D contributes to the immune system, muscles, bones, teeth, cell division process and production of new cells.
Vitamin D is one of the fat-soluble vitamins that are crucial for our body. It is mainly found in oily fish, such as herring, salmon and mackerel, but that is only part of the story - about 10%. Meat and eggs also contribute to our vitamin D intake, albeit in smaller amounts. In addition, our body has the ability to produce vitamin D itself under the influence of sunlight, especially UV radiation.
Vitamine K2 (Menaquinone-7) - 200 mcg
Vitamin K2 in the form of Menaquinone-7 is the most effective form of vitamin K2. It appears to be present in the body for a very long time and can therefore work for a long time. Vitamin K contributes to normal blood clotting. Furthermore, vitamin K2 contributes to good bones by supporting calcium absorption.
Wheatgrass - Triticum aestivum
Wheatgrass is a nutritious source of vitamins A, C and E, calcium, magnesium and iron. It also contains high concentrations of chlorophyll and natural enzymes. The crop even consists of 70% chlorophyll.
From: €1.95
Wild Yam - 400 mg
The Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa) is a versatile plant native to Central America. The tuber/root can reach an impressive length of up to two meters. This vegetable is an important source of nutrition in South America and Africa, where it is as popular as the potato in the Netherlands. The root of the Wild Yam is rich in vitamins and minerals and is valued for its nutritious properties.
In addition to its culinary uses, Wild Yam is also used for its health supporting properties. It can provide support for menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings. These beneficial effects make Wild Yam a valuable plant, both in the kitchen and for health.
Willow - Salicis alba
The willow (Salix alba), also known as 'white willow' in English, naturally contains the bioactive substance salicin. This tree is common in the Netherlands. In 1828, the German pharmacist Johann Andreas Buchner discovered that the bark of the willow tree contains high concentrations of the glycoside salicin. This substance is beneficial for maintaining flexible joints and muscle health.
From: €1.95
Zinc Bisglycinate - 75 mg
Zinc is available in different forms. Zinc bisglycinate has a very good bioavailability. It is a chelated form of zinc bound to two (bis) molecules of the amino acid glycine which has more benefits for the body. Zinc has a very wide range of action and is involved in many body processes. Zinc is essential for the activity of more than 300 enzymes that have the zinc ion as a cofactor. Zinc is also important for proteins and cell membranes. Zinc is important for the immune system, acid-base metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, DNA synthesis, cognitive functions, fertility, reproduction, vitamin A metabolism, macronutrient metabolism, bones, hair, skin, nails, hormones and cell division, among other things.