
Red Clover - Trifolii Rubr. pratense
Red clover (Trifolium pratense) grows naturally in Europe and Central Asia. Usually the leaves of red clover have three parts and a light purple flower blooms in the middle. In addition to the high content of isoflavones, which are bioactive substances that fall under polyphenols, the flower heads of red clover are also rich in vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, beta-carotene and choline.
Red clover can help with menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings and irritability. In addition, it supports heart health and contributes to the condition of the blood vessels. It can also be used to maintain strong bones.
From: €2.40
Reishi Extract - 350 mg
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) has been considered one of the most important mushrooms in Japanese and Chinese herbalism for more than two thousand years. This mushroom supports the immune system and promotes healthy circulation.
Today, reishi mushrooms are grown in greenhouses under controlled conditions, which ensures a quality equivalent to that of wild reishi. Thanks to these cultivation methods, reishi is now widely accessible. The mushroom is rich in several nutrients, including iron, selenium, antioxidants, polysaccharides, peptides and triterpenoids.
Shiitake Extract - 350 mg
Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) has its origins in the Far East and plays an important role in traditional Chinese medicine. This mushroom is extremely versatile thanks to its rich range of nutrients. It is, among other things, a good source of B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, fiber and proteins. Compared to mushrooms, shiitake contains 15 times more vitamin B6, 4 times more potassium and 10 times more magnesium. The phosphorus content is even twice as high.
Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) is a fast-growing, fleshy mushroom with a cap that varies from golden to dark brown. In Asian countries and Russia, mushrooms have been prized as popular dietary supplements for centuries, with shiitake being one of the favorites. 
Spirulina - 450 mg
Spirulina, a type of algae, provides support to the immune system through its rich nutrients and relieves fatigue.
The blue-green spirulina is a type of algae that contains both chlorophyll (green pigment) and phycocyanin (blue pigment). These single-celled algae form spiral microscopic strands and thrive in warm, fresh water.
With its abundance of essential nutrients, spirulina is invaluable to our body. It contains more than 60% complete protein, almost three times more than beef, and is rich in vitamin B complex, vitamin E, carotenoids, iron, manganese, zinc and essential fatty acids such as gamma-linolenic acid. With ten different mixed carotenoids, spirulina is the most beta-carotene-rich food known.
Spirulina - Spirulina platensis
Spirulina, a type of algae, provides support to the immune system through its rich nutrients and relieves fatigue.
The blue-green spirulina is a type of algae that contains both chlorophyll (green pigment) and phycocyanin (blue pigment). These single-celled algae form spiral microscopic strands and thrive in warm, fresh water.
With its abundance of essential nutrients, spirulina is invaluable to our body. It contains more than 60% complete protein, almost three times more than beef, and is rich in vitamin B complex, vitamin E, carotenoids, iron, manganese, zinc and essential fatty acids such as gamma-linolenic acid. With ten different mixed carotenoids, spirulina is the most beta-carotene-rich food known.
From: €2.25
Super ORAC Antioxidant Complex
Super ORAC Antioxidant Complex is designed to fight free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. Rich in polyphenols and with a high ORAC value, our formula is designed to provide you with powerful antioxidants that help your body neutralize harmful free radicals.
Balanced mix of nutrients to support the cells to give them the best possible support in the fight against oxidative damage.
Taurine - 530 mg
Taurine, an amino acid also known as aminosulfonic acid due to its sulfur content, plays a crucial role in providing energy and oxygen to the body. In addition to these functions, taurine also has other important properties. It is produced by all mammals and is one of the most abundant amino acids, found in various tissues. Dietary sources of taurine are primarily protein-rich, animal foods such as meat, fish, shellfish, poultry and eggs.
Although the body is able to produce taurine itself from the amino acids methionine and cysteine, these sources are often suboptimal. That is why taurine supplementation can offer a good solution. Taurine works closely with zinc and therefore has a synergistic effect with this mineral. It is therefore very important to get enough zinc.
Thyme - Thymii vulgaris - Cut
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) is not only a great seasoning in the kitchen, but also an ally for our health. This herb, recognizable by its characteristic smell, soothes the respiratory tract and promotes freer breathing. In addition, thyme supports digestion.
This herb grows wild in Europe, Asia and Africa and thrives in hardy shrubs about 40 centimeters high, even on dry and stony soils. Both the leaves and flowers of thyme contain active substances that benefit our health. The ancient Greeks and Romans already used real thyme to ease their breathing. Today, thyme is still used in licorice and syrups for its soothing effects on the respiratory tract.
From: €2.20
Tumeric long. - Curcumae longae
Curcuma (also known as Turmeric) (Curcuma longa) is respected worldwide as one of the most valuable herbs. It originates in the tropical regions of India and Southeast Asia. The powder of the root is known for its popularity in Asian cuisine and is known in the Netherlands as turmeric, due to its role in coloring curry and mustard.
In addition to its culinary uses, turmeric also offers several health benefits. Curcuma has been used in India for centuries because of its effective effect on flexible joints and intestinal function. It is a powerful antioxidant that benefits the liver and musculoskeletal system, while also aiding digestion.
From: €1.95
Tumeric long. - Curcumae longae - Cut
Curcuma (also known as Turmeric) (Curcuma longa) is respected worldwide as one of the most valuable herbs. It originates in the tropical regions of India and Southeast Asia. The powder of the root is known for its popularity in Asian cuisine and is known in the Netherlands as turmeric, due to its role in coloring curry and mustard.
In addition to its culinary uses, turmeric also offers several health benefits. Curcuma has been used in India for centuries because of its effective effect on flexible joints and intestinal function. It is a powerful antioxidant that benefits the liver and musculoskeletal system, while also aiding digestion. 
From: €1.95
Tumeric zanth. - Curcumae zanthorrhizae
Curcuma (also known as Javanese Ginger) (Curcumae zanthorrhizae) is respected worldwide as one of the most valuable spices. It originates in the tropical regions of India and Southeast Asia. The powder of the root is known for its popularity in Asian cuisine and is known in the Netherlands as turmeric, due to its role in coloring curry and mustard.
In addition to its culinary uses, turmeric also offers several health benefits. Curcuma has been used in India for centuries because of its effective effect on flexible joints and intestinal function. It is a powerful antioxidant that benefits the liver and musculoskeletal system, while also aiding digestion. 
From: €1.95
Tumeric zanth. - Curcumae zanthorrhizae - Cut
Curcuma (also known as Javanese Ginger) (Curcumae zanthorrhizae) is respected worldwide as one of the most valuable spices. It originates in the tropical regions of India and Southeast Asia. The powder of the root is known for its popularity in Asian cuisine and is known in the Netherlands as turmeric, due to its role in coloring curry and mustard.
In addition to its culinary uses, turmeric also offers several health benefits. Curcuma has been used in India for centuries because of its effective effect on flexible joints and intestinal function. It is a powerful antioxidant that benefits the liver and musculoskeletal system, while also aiding digestion.
From: €1.95
Tumeric zanthorrhiza Tincture - Curcumae zanthorrhizae Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried root of Curcumae zanthorrhizae (Tumeric).
Curcuma (also known as Javanese Ginger) (Curcumae zanthorrhizae) is respected worldwide as one of the most valuable spices. It originates in the tropical regions of India and Southeast Asia. The powder of the root is known for its popularity in Asian cuisine and is known in the Netherlands as turmeric, due to its role in coloring curry and mustard.
In addition to its culinary uses, turmeric also offers several health benefits. Curcuma has been used in India for centuries because of its effective effect on flexible joints and intestinal function.
Ultra Slim+ Formula
Ultra Slim+ Formula
Balanced mix of nutrients for Weight Management.
Weight Management
Slim & Fit
Optimal Synergistic Formula
Therapeutic formula
100% Powder Mix
Without additives & preservatives
Ultra Slim+ Formula offers a sophisticated mix of nutrients to support effective weight management. This optimal synergistic formula, rich in a wide range of nutrients, herbs, minerals, vitamins and enzymes, not only supports a slim and fit body, but also offers a holistic approach to wellness. 
Vitamin C & Quercetin (Bioflavonoids)
The pure form of vitamin C is ascorbic acid. The buffered forms of ascorbic acid are generally better tolerated by humans than the pure form. Ascorbic acid is acidic and the buffered forms give virtually no gastrointestinal problems. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for the body. It is involved in many processes in the body, including immune system, blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, teeth, skin, energy metabolism, nervous system and fatigue.
Quercetin is a flavonoid, also called bioflavonoid. This natural plant compound is found in various plants, fruits and vegetables. Flavonoids are responsible for the vibrant colors (pigments) in these plants and come in various shades. They play a crucial role in plant metabolism, regulate growth, provide protection against UV light, oxidation.
Vitamin C & Rutin (Bioflavonoids)
The pure form of vitamin C is ascorbic acid. The buffered forms of ascorbic acid are generally better tolerated by humans than the pure form. Ascorbic acid is acidic and the buffered forms give virtually no gastrointestinal problems. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for the body. It is involved in many processes in the body, including immune system, blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, teeth, skin, energy metabolism, nervous system and fatigue.
Rutin, also known as a flavonoid or bioflavonoid, is a naturally occurring substance in vegetables, fruits, herbs and plants. It is known for its vibrant pigmentation and can have different colors. Rutin plays several important roles in plants, such as regulating growth, protecting against UV radiation, oxidation and heat,
Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbic Acid) - 625 mg
The pure form of vitamin C is ascorbic acid. The buffered forms of ascorbic acid are generally better tolerated by humans than the pure form. Ascorbic acid is acidic, the fused forms give virtually no gastrointestinal problems. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for the body. It is involved in many processes in the body, including immune system, blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, teeth, skin, energy metabolism, nervous system and fatigue.
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) - 3,000 IU - 75 mcg
Vitamin D is also produced by our skin, but for many this is not sufficient or does not work well. Vitamin D supplementation is a good solution for this. Vitamin D is important in various processes in the body. Vitamin D contributes to the immune system, muscles, bones, teeth, cell division process and production of new cells.
Vitamin D is one of the fat-soluble vitamins that are crucial for our body. It is mainly found in oily fish, such as herring, salmon and mackerel, but that is only part of the story - about 10%. Meat and eggs also contribute to our vitamin D intake, albeit in smaller amounts. In addition, our body has the ability to produce vitamin D itself under the influence of sunlight, especially UV radiation.
Walnut - Juglans regia
The Juglans regia, also known as walnut, walnut or walnut, belongs to the walnut family (Juglandaceae). This species is also known as common walnut or Persian walnut, to avoid confusion with the genus Juglans. Other species in the genus Juglans include the white walnut and the black walnut.
This deciduous tree can reach a height of up to 30 meters with a crown that can be more than 10 meters wide. The leaves are odd-pinnate and can be 25-40 cm long, consisting of five to nine leaflets per compound leaf. The three largest leaflets are located at the end of the leaf and measure 10-18 cm long and 6-8 cm wide. The leaflets at the base of the leaf are smaller, usually 5-8 cm long.
From: €1.95
Wild Yam - 400 mg
The Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa) is a versatile plant native to Central America. The tuber/root can reach an impressive length of up to two meters. This vegetable is an important source of nutrition in South America and Africa, where it is as popular as the potato in the Netherlands. The root of the Wild Yam is rich in vitamins and minerals and is valued for its nutritious properties.
In addition to its culinary uses, Wild Yam is also used for its health supporting properties. It can provide support for menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings. These beneficial effects make Wild Yam a valuable plant, both in the kitchen and for health.
Wormwood Herb - Artemisia absinthium
Absinthe wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is a plant from the composite family (Asteraceae). This species is on the Dutch Red List of plants as quite rare and moderately reduced in numbers. It is a perennial plant that grows naturally on dry, calcareous, nitrogen-rich and cultivated soils in temperate regions of Europe, Asia and North Africa. The genus name Artemisia is derived from the Greek hunting goddess Artemis.
The buds of wormwood absinthe are traditionally seen as medicinal. The bitter extract of these buds is an important ingredient in drinks such as vermouth and classic absinthe. The most important flavorings are absinthine and the menthol-smelling terpene thujone.
From: €1.95
Wormwood Herb - Artemisia absinthium - Cut
Absinthe wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is a plant from the composite family (Asteraceae). This species is on the Dutch Red List of plants as quite rare and moderately reduced in numbers. It is a perennial plant that grows naturally on dry, calcareous, nitrogen-rich and cultivated soils in temperate regions of Europe, Asia and North Africa. The genus name Artemisia is derived from the Greek hunting goddess Artemis.
The buds of wormwood absinthe are traditionally seen as medicinal. The bitter extract of these buds is an important ingredient in drinks such as vermouth and classic absinthe. The most important flavorings are absinthine and the menthol-smelling terpene thujone.
From: €1.50