
On sale!
NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) - 500 mg
N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) is a form of the sulfur-containing semi-essential amino acid L-cysteine. It is found in dairy, meat, fruit and vegetables, but this is often insufficient and can best be supplemented through supplementation. The advantage that N-acetyl-cysteine has over cysteine is that it is better and more easily absorbed by our body. Furthermore, N-acetyl-cysteine supports production of the important tripeptide glutathione in our body. Glutathione plays a role in protecting our cells against oxidative stress.
Nettle - 380 mg
The nettle (Urtica dioica) is a powerful and versatile plant that occurs in many places, despite its irritating property to the touch. Known for its culinary uses, such as nettle soup and tea, the nettle is also known for its health benefits.
Originally from Africa and Asia, the plant goes by the Latin name Urtica dioica and has been used for centuries. In herbalism, not only the dried leaves, but also the dried roots are used.
Nettle leaf is a traditional herbal medicine with various applications. It contributes to healthy skin, gives shine to the hair and strengthens the nails. In addition, it can help soothe the respiratory tract and maintain proper fluid balance. It also provides support to the heart and blood vessels.
Pansy, Herb trinit Herb - Viola tricolor - Cut
The pansy (Viola tricolor) belongs to the violet family (Violaceae) and is native to Europe, from Lapland to the Mediterranean, and even in Siberia.
This plant, which is an annual but can sometimes be perennial, grows to a height of 30 cm and has roots that can go up to 45 cm deep. The flowering period extends from May to October. The flowers are at least 1 cm wide, but usually larger, with an average diameter of 1.5 cm.
The pansy was first described as a medicinal herb by Rembert Dodoens in 1554. It was traditionally used for childhood diseases and respiratory diseases. In England it was popular for treating heart disease, chest cramps and pleurisy.
From: €1.50
Pine (Needles) - Pinus silvestris
The Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) belongs to the pine family (Pinaceae) and can reach a respectable age of 200 to 300 years, thanks to its rich resin content.
In phytotherapy, the needles and buds of the Scots pine are used because of their content of tannins, flavonoids and vitamins. The oleoresin of this tree is rich in turpentine. This species is known for its abundant monoterpenes, such as α-pinene, β-pinene and limonene, which form an essential oil with expectorant, antiseptic, decongestant, venolymphatic and anti-inflammatory properties.
From: €1.95
Pine (Seedlings) - Pinus silvestris
The Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) belongs to the pine family (Pinaceae) and can reach a respectable age of 200 to 300 years, thanks to its rich resin content.
In phytotherapy, the needles and buds of the Scots pine are used because of their content of tannins, flavonoids and vitamins. The oleoresin of this tree is rich in turpentine. This species is known for its abundant monoterpenes, such as α-pinene, β-pinene and limonene, which form an essential oil with expectorant, antiseptic, decongestant, venolymphatic and anti-inflammatory properties.
From: €2.00
Power Berries+ Formula
Our Power Berries+ Formula provides a balanced blend of nutrients specially formulated to support your overall health. This unique formula is packed with healthy fiber and essential nutrients, including polyphenols, phytonutrients, antioxidants and natural vitamins.
Power Veggies+ Formula
Our Power Veggies+ Formula provides a balanced blend of essential nutrients to support your overall health. With an abundance of healthy fibers and nutrients, is Power Veggies+ Formula specially formulated to nourish and glow your body.
PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone) - 20 mg
PQQ, abbreviated for Pyrroloquinoline quinone, is a substance similar to a B vitamin and mainly found in plants. It is also sometimes called 'super Q10' because of its similar properties. Although PQQ has been around for a long time, it was only recently discovered. This water-soluble substance plays a role in enzymatic reactions and supports enzymes in their function. In addition, PQQ has various other properties.
A lot of research is currently being done into the exact composition and function of PQQ. This substance occurs naturally in various foods, such as spinach, kiwi, soy beans (especially green and fermented soy beans such as nattō), mustard and tofu. Green tea is also a rich source of PQQ.
Quercetin & Rutin (Bioflavonoids)
Quercetin is a flavonoid, also called bioflavonoid. This natural plant compound is found in various plants, fruits and vegetables. Flavonoids are responsible for the vibrant colors (pigments) in these plants and come in various shades. They play a crucial role in plant metabolism, regulate growth, and provide protection against UV light, oxidation and heat.
Rutin, also known as a flavonoid or bioflavonoid, is a naturally occurring substance in vegetables, fruits, herbs and plants. It is known for its vibrant pigmentation and can have different colors. Rutin plays several important roles in plants, such as regulating growth, protecting against UV radiation, oxidation and heat, and maintaining plant metabolism.
Quercetin & Zinc
Quercetin is a flavonoid, also called bioflavonoid. This natural plant compound is found in various plants, fruits and vegetables. Flavonoids are responsible for the vibrant colors (pigments) in these plants and come in various shades. They play a crucial role in plant metabolism, regulate growth, and provide protection against UV light, oxidation and heat.
Zinc is available in different forms. Zinc bisglycinate has a very good bioavailability. It is a chelated form of zinc bound to two (bis) molecules of the amino acid glycine which has more benefits for the body. Zinc has a very wide range of action and is involved in many body processes. Zinc is essential for the activity of more than 300 enzymes that have the zinc ion as a cofactor.
Quercetin - 250 mg
Quercetin is a flavonoid, also called bioflavonoid. This natural plant compound is found in various plants, fruits and vegetables. Flavonoids are responsible for the vibrant colors (pigments) in these plants and come in various shades. They play a crucial role in plant metabolism, regulate growth, and provide protection against UV light, oxidation and heat.
Quercetin belongs to a group of plant compounds known as flavonoids. Many flavonoids contribute to the coloring of plants to some extent. In addition, quercetin is a powerful antioxidant. It can be well combined with other antioxidant flavonoids, such as rutin and vitamin C, for an enhanced effect.
Resveratrol - 100 mg
Resveratrol is a naturally occurring substance in Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum). It belongs to polyphenols, a group of organic molecules mainly found in vegetables, fruits, herbs and other plants. Polyphenols consist of different phenolic groups and include substances such as simple phenols, coumarins, flavonoids and anthocyanins. They play a crucial role in the metabolism of plants, protect the plant, regulate growth and provide protection against UV light, oxidation and heat.
Resveratrol has beneficial properties for protecting healthy cells and tissues in the body and is also good for the heart and blood vessels.
Rose Root - Rhodiola rosea
Rose root (Rhodiola rosea) also known as the 'golden root', is a succulent plant that thrives in cold, rocky areas around the world. The roots emit a characteristic scent of roses. This herb has long been used in herbal medicine.
It contains protective antioxidants that help our body cells. Rose root supports both physical and mental balance in our body. It helps keep the mind clear, improves mood and promotes concentration. Some of the bioactive compounds in rose root include rosavine and salidroside, which are thought to be responsible for Rhodiola rosea's calming and uplifting effects.
From: €16.00
Rosemary - 250 mg
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) is a fragrant, compact shrub belonging to the Lamiaceae family. This versatile herb has been used for centuries for various purposes, both culinary and for health promotion. Originally from Mediterranean regions, the Rosmarinus officinalis displays lush blooms in spring with small, lavender blue flowers.
The name "rosemary" has its origins in the Latin "ros" (roris), meaning "dew", and "marinus", meaning "sea": "dew of the sea". Since ancient times, by both the ancient Greeks and Romans, Rosmarinus officinalis has been valued for its health-supporting properties. It helps with digestion, strengthens the immune system and contains antioxidants.
Rutin - 450 mg
Rutin, also known as a flavonoid or bioflavonoid, is a naturally occurring substance in vegetables, fruits, herbs and plants. It is known for its vibrant pigmentation and can have different colors. Rutin plays several important roles in plants, such as regulating growth, protecting against UV radiation, oxidation and heat, and maintaining plant metabolism.
Citrus fruits are particularly rich in rutin, but other foods also contain this substance, such as grapes, the peels of apples, pears, apricots, raspberries, onions, asparagus, tobacco plants, tea, rhubarb, blueberries and elderberries. Rutin also acts as an antioxidant, meaning it protects our cells and tissues from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.
Schisandra chinensis - 450 mg
Schisandra, also known as the Schisandra berry (Schisandra chinensis), is known as one of the most important herbs in traditional Chinese medicine for promoting energy and vitality, and reducing stress. This dark red berry is rich in antioxidants, strengthens the immune system and promotes overall vitality. In addition, it provides protection and support to the liver and respiratory tract.
Schisandra has been used in traditional Chinese herbal medicine for over 2000 years. Only the berry with its seeds are used, harvested after the first frost and then dried in the sun. Schisandra is known as one of the most important herbs for promoting vitality.
Shiitake Extract - 350 mg
Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) has its origins in the Far East and plays an important role in traditional Chinese medicine. This mushroom is extremely versatile thanks to its rich range of nutrients. It is, among other things, a good source of B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, fiber and proteins. Compared to mushrooms, shiitake contains 15 times more vitamin B6, 4 times more potassium and 10 times more magnesium. The phosphorus content is even twice as high.
Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) is a fast-growing, fleshy mushroom with a cap that varies from golden to dark brown. In Asian countries and Russia, mushrooms have been prized as popular dietary supplements for centuries, with shiitake being one of the favorites. 
Spirulina - 450 mg
Spirulina, a type of algae, provides support to the immune system through its rich nutrients and relieves fatigue.
The blue-green spirulina is a type of algae that contains both chlorophyll (green pigment) and phycocyanin (blue pigment). These single-celled algae form spiral microscopic strands and thrive in warm, fresh water.
With its abundance of essential nutrients, spirulina is invaluable to our body. It contains more than 60% complete protein, almost three times more than beef, and is rich in vitamin B complex, vitamin E, carotenoids, iron, manganese, zinc and essential fatty acids such as gamma-linolenic acid. With ten different mixed carotenoids, spirulina is the most beta-carotene-rich food known.
Spirulina - Spirulina platensis
Spirulina, a type of algae, provides support to the immune system through its rich nutrients and relieves fatigue.
The blue-green spirulina is a type of algae that contains both chlorophyll (green pigment) and phycocyanin (blue pigment). These single-celled algae form spiral microscopic strands and thrive in warm, fresh water.
With its abundance of essential nutrients, spirulina is invaluable to our body. It contains more than 60% complete protein, almost three times more than beef, and is rich in vitamin B complex, vitamin E, carotenoids, iron, manganese, zinc and essential fatty acids such as gamma-linolenic acid. With ten different mixed carotenoids, spirulina is the most beta-carotene-rich food known.
From: €2.25
Super ORAC Antioxidant Complex
Super ORAC Antioxidant Complex is designed to fight free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. Rich in polyphenols and with a high ORAC value, our formula is designed to provide you with powerful antioxidants that help your body neutralize harmful free radicals.
Balanced mix of nutrients to support the cells to give them the best possible support in the fight against oxidative damage.
Taurine - 530 mg
Taurine, an amino acid also known as aminosulfonic acid due to its sulfur content, plays a crucial role in providing energy and oxygen to the body. In addition to these functions, taurine also has other important properties. It is produced by all mammals and is one of the most abundant amino acids, found in various tissues. Dietary sources of taurine are primarily protein-rich, animal foods such as meat, fish, shellfish, poultry and eggs.
Although the body is able to produce taurine itself from the amino acids methionine and cysteine, these sources are often suboptimal. That is why taurine supplementation can offer a good solution. Taurine works closely with zinc and therefore has a synergistic effect with this mineral. It is therefore very important to get enough zinc.
Tumeric long. - Curcumae longae
Curcuma (also known as Turmeric) (Curcuma longa) is respected worldwide as one of the most valuable herbs. It originates in the tropical regions of India and Southeast Asia. The powder of the root is known for its popularity in Asian cuisine and is known in the Netherlands as turmeric, due to its role in coloring curry and mustard.
In addition to its culinary uses, turmeric also offers several health benefits. Curcuma has been used in India for centuries because of its effective effect on flexible joints and intestinal function. It is a powerful antioxidant that benefits the liver and musculoskeletal system, while also aiding digestion.
From: €1.95
Ultra Run & Cycle Formula
Unlock your full potential with Ultra Run & Cycle Formula, a powerful supplement designed to optimize both physical and mental performance. This advanced formula stimulates energy production in cells and mitochondria, providing your body with the fuel it needs for peak performance.
By increasing nitric oxide levels, this supplement improves blood circulation and oxygen supply to the muscles, reducing fatigue and increasing your endurance. Additionally, it boosts antioxidant activity, which helps to neutralize harmful free radicals and promote overall health.
Ultra Slim+ Formula
Ultra Slim+ Formula
Balanced mix of nutrients for Weight Management.
Weight Management
Slim & Fit
Optimal Synergistic Formula
Therapeutic formula
100% Powder Mix
Without additives & preservatives
Ultra Slim+ Formula offers a sophisticated mix of nutrients to support effective weight management. This optimal synergistic formula, rich in a wide range of nutrients, herbs, minerals, vitamins and enzymes, not only supports a slim and fit body, but also offers a holistic approach to wellness. 