About us

Our vision

Nowadays, in the event of problems and ailments, pharmaceutical products are quickly resorted to.

We believe that this is not always the correct approach. Over the past 100 years, man has become completely alienated from nature and what nature actually has to offer.

Humans have been using ancient herbal remedies for thousands of years. Herbs have therefore amply proven themselves in practice to be effective and often without side effects. This is in contrast to synthetic medicines, which regularly have side effects. Many of these synthetic medicines are often imitations of the active plant substances.

In addition, our body is exposed to toxic external influences every day. Think of pesticides including pesticides, radiation, volatile substances, etc. Our food that we eat today is also usually processed and actually contains substances that do not belong there, such as E numbers and preservatives, which can also be harmful to our body. As a result, our food has a lot less nutritional value for the body.

The levels of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in food, such as vegetables and fruit, have also decreased drastically in recent years. As a result, people can no longer be optimally healthy without daily supplementation of these nutrients. Many contemporary diseases in the western world are due to this.

Who are we

This vision and knowledge is one of the reasons why Eerlijkgezond.nu, of which kruidapotheker.nl is part, was founded by us, father and son Peter Boskamp and Michiel Boskamp.

Michiel is an Orthomolecular Therapist, Herbalist, Phyto-, Aroma-, and Bach flower therapist. Peter has been a veterinarian for over 40 years. In all these years he makes versatile use of herbs and vitamins to keep and treat the animals healthy. It is not always necessary to take medication. Practice has therefore shown that nutrients, vitamins, minerals and herbs can certainly offer an alternative.

This led to the establishment of Bony Farma – Animal Health 25 years ago. With a wide range of nutritional supplements for animals.

We regularly received questions from our customers whether we had any supplements for them. This question also made us decide to set up Eerlijkgezond.nu. To use our vision and knowledge to help people to be honest and healthy.

This has now crystallized into our own brands such as “HerbaFlorente” and “Archelon Nutraceuticals”. Both brands therefore have a wide range of supplements.

HerbaFlorente” has a wide range of herbs, in various forms such as loose herbs, tinctures and herbal teas.

Archelon Nutraceuticals” has a wide range of supplements with nutrients, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and herbs in capsules and powder form. These supplements contain high therapeutic doses and are free of additives, preservatives and other excipients.

In addition, we are also the importer for the Benelux of the brand "ILHWA", these are high-quality ginseng supplements in various forms such as root powder, tea and various types of extracts of very high quality, made exclusively from the best Panax ginseng.